<p>Dear Hyun,</p>
<p>We are pleased that you have decided to apply to Northwestern University. We have received your application to the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences to begin study in Fall 2006. </p>
<p>I hate that. Gets me everytime.</p>
<p>Dear Hyun,</p>
<p>We are pleased that you have decided to apply to Northwestern University. We have received your application to the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences to begin study in Fall 2006. </p>
<p>I hate that. Gets me everytime.</p>
<p>The Office of Undergraduate Admission has completed admission decisions for this falls entering class. Announcement letters have been mailed as of this morning (Tuesday, March 28). Since it takes some time to complete the programming needed for online announcements to over 18,000 applicants, an e-mail will be sent to all applicants when online decision links are ready. E-mails will be sent after 6 PM Central Time, Tuesday or Wednesday, so as not to disrupt the school day. Not all e-mails will release at exactly the same time, due to technical requirements.</p>
<p>Never mind.</p>
<p>I'll cry if they don't tell me
We are *pleased to inform you that you have been admitted * blah blah..</p>
<p>a "CONGRATULATIONS!" would be nice.</p>
<p>Do they get some sort of guilty satisfaction from watching us bang ourselves over the heads from getting agitated over the wait?</p>
<p>Oh, what? They'll email us when the decisions are ready? Drat. I hope they aren't doing it alphabetically.</p>
<p>It says either today or tomorrow, so why is everyone certain that it will be in 15 or so minutes?</p>
<p>Or [Bold]Congratulations!!!![/Bold]</p>
<p>We're foolishly optimistic?</p>
<p>From what I know, the emails seem to take longer to get to everyone than it takes to upload the decisions on the site... at the Stanford EA, my friends checked their email, didnt' see a thing, and went to the site and saw their decisions - the email came 3 hours later.</p>
<p>if it doesn't come out tonight I'm gonna be pretty upset</p>
<p>what's the HTML for bold? highlight?</p>
<p>[ b] Congratulations? [ /b]</p>
<p>Without the spaces after the opening bracket.</p>
<p>I'm waiting for a waitlist. I already got one, and the next one is bound to come right around the corner. </p>
<p>duh... thanks</p>
<p>Doesn't anyone remember how we were convinced that decisions were going to come out last Saturday? I am not getting my hopes up without evidence.</p>
<p>well lots of people called the admissions office and they said tonight, not to mention that message posted on the website...</p>
<p>God, if it doesnt come in 7 minutes I'm gonna be really ****ed off.</p>
<p>I'm fairly certain that it's: [ b]Congratulations![ /b]</p>
<p>Remove the spaces between the bracket and the letter or slash.</p>