<p>i think im gonna go watch some jeopardy to waste time</p>
<p>now i cant check at all because of the error</p>
<p>You sound proud.</p>
<p>hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA--<em>cough, cough, hacking violently</em>
Important lesson: don't laugh when eating jello. it is possible to choke on jello</p>
<p>Everyone remember to post your stats, or whether you got in or not in the RD thread. Help next year's nervous wrecks :P</p>
<p>i was suppost to be at vball practice at 7....... if its not on in 3 minutes im gonna leave and have to wait till 930 : (</p>
<p>grr.. that server...</p>
<p>Like touchthesky suggested, the error is probably because of overload. If you keep hitting refresh, you'll eventuall get to the login...and find the same old, same old.</p>
<p>haha well i keep pressing f5 over and over again and yet still nothing </p>
<p>dear northwestern,
not only is your admissions notification not cool, but neither are your colors hahahhaa
love always,
<p>It could be that they're uploading the decisions now...and they'll be available later this evening?</p>
<p>the mhm was to the poster who asked where we check, yes on the site where we check the status</p>
<p>Just refresh a few times and you won't get an error. The decisions aren't up, though.</p>
<p>haha pri430, i definitely did the same thing-sprinted to the library thats across the school instead of the bathroom next to the classroom.</p>
<p>maybe is gonna be at the start of the next
<p>sometimes i get the internal error, sometimes i get the regular page.. this is so crazy.</p>
<p>hmmm, i got into the website, but it only has the "thanks for applying" message...</p>
<p>I NEVER knew F5 is refresh.</p>
<p>did anyone else notice that the official notice said tuesday OR wednesday? maybe it's not tonight, guys...</p>
<p>grrrr its 4 minutes past and still not working</p>