***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Thanks @Vicky2019 ! Hope others can benefit from her results post because, as you can see, she does not have a strong GPA at all and this was her biggest concern going this route though there was a lot that was not within her control in that respect. But she made sure she remained honest and genuine throughout the process and focused on explaining why she is a good candidate for the programs she applied to. So hopefully, this can help future students from getting discouraged just because some part(s) of their stats may be weaker than the rest of the applicant pool.

Thanks, @NoviceDad! Two reasons she applied to the DO programs: (i) she knew that her GPA was not strong enough for her to be a competitive BS/MD candidate; and (ii) she was not concerned about the stigma attached to DOs because she had spoken to several doctors, including very successful DOs in competitive fields (Dermatology as an example) and strongly believed that if she did the right things and put in the hard work, she can be equally successful in reaching her end goal. Actually, she strongly felt that the DO philosophy resonated with her a lot more than MD.

But since she had her mind set on GWU ever since we visited the campus and was even more impressed when she was there for the interview, SBU/GWU was a no-brainer when it came to making her decision. As her second option, she was leaning strongly towards Juniata/LECOM because Juniata is pretty good for pre-med and she would not have to rule out MD altogether. At the same time, she would also have LECOM as a safety net.

@NoviceDad , will definitely share my D’s experience at SBU. But curious why you say that. Is there anything that we should be concerned about w.r.t. SBU? Feel free to PM me if you are comfortable posting your response on this discussion.

Hi. Has anyone received admission to the 6 year BS MD program at Howard university please? Let’s form a support group?

The only reason I asked is that, in the last few cycles, I am not aware of anyone going to SBU - would love to get first hand experience info.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Why your D applies to SO schools. @ParentCA

Can anyone shed some light on Stony Brook BS/MD? Any idea how many students they accept? Its medical school has better ranking than some of other NY medical schools for BS/MD programs. I have been following this thread for some time now, but can’t remember reading much about Stony Brook BS/MD. Any information will be helpful. Thanks.

Stony Brook is one of the most competitive programs, some 2000 or so apply and they select fewer than 10. You can search the thread for the key words like Stony, Brook etc. Some one on the forum got into the program this cycle but did not post on the results thread.

All the NY(&J) based programs are quite good. AMC, Hofstra, Stony and Up/Down State. Only Sophie, one may have to think twice about. Don’t go by some rankings website in forming opinions about and deciding where to apply. I recommend attending in person if possible and check out for yourselves.


2020-2021 cycle thread has been created by @texaspg


Please post questions related to this year’s cycle there.

Just saw the next cycles thread. Thank you all for the valuable input as always!

Junior member here:
Freshman / rising sophomore, aspiring to be a decent BSMD applicant in 2 years.
Semester 2 at my high school like everyone was virtual.
I ended Semester 2 with 5 As (Honors Alg II w Trig, Spanish 3, Band, Culinary Arts, STEM) and 1 B (Honors Biology). We have the option of taking GRADE or CREDIT by subject. I am tempted to take CREDIT for Honors Biology to protect by unweighted GPA. (I had a very tough Bio teacher and missed A- by 1.8 pcts, taking me to a B+ but for S2 my school is doing away with the + / - to the grades so I round down to a “B”).

I also self-studied & took the AP Bio exam this May. Will not have that score till July and need to decided GRADE or CREDIT soon for Honors Biology for this semester 2 of freshman year. Taking CREDIT for H Biology will give me an unweighted GPA = 3.75 and taking the "B grade will give me an unweighted GPA = 3.67. I was advised to take the GRADE as taking CR will look like I am hiding a C or D type grade.

And I also do english through a college outside of my high school which has me doing English 9 +10 freshman year. I did a 0.5 Econ course online to get that credit but I do not get to count that grade. Did World History last summer (had an A) so that is why I am able to fit electives. I like being well-rounded.

I plan to take 2 AP classes sophomore year and hope to gain on my weighted GPA. I will also take AP Bio junior year.

Any thoughts GRADE or CREDIT for H Biology Semester 2 of freshman?
All comments are welcome!

And thanks for reading my note…

@NoviceDad Hi I have quesiton does medical school accepts AP Math Credit at all. As at Upenn I have 5 on Calc BC and on their curriculum it satisfies the Math requirement if you have 5 on BC but was wondering when applying to medical school would they accept the AP credit for Calculus as my daughter will take statistics. Is there a source to find or have to go to each med school to find out. Thank you for your help or to be safe to take Math at Upenn.


General recommendation for MD admission, do a higher level class in any subject if the AP is accepted and got a UG course equivalent in the transcript.

But my D though she did higher level courses in Bio, she did not do any courses in Maths, though she did a Stats course (because her UG school did not give a credit for her AP to the course which that UG college pre-req office expected).

Thank you what med school your D is in right now. Yes the credit will be on the Trascript as AP credit and she signed up for Stat class and she does not want to take Calculus. But was looking online as states lot of med school does not take any Ap credit and thought may be they referred to as all Science classes as not sure. She was thinking what to do drop stat and take calculus or just keep credit and take stat class. Thank you


Refer to this thread:


How much does research during HighSchool impact chances? And how many hours is enough?

There is no explicit requirement that an applicant should have any research experience even for UG via regular route MD. It may depend upon the medical school you apply.

My D is applying to Stony Brook BS/MD program. Can any one suggest which of the two is a better choice at Stony Brook if you want to get into their BS/MD - WISE OR University Honors?

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