***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@medskooloneday is hpme your number one choice? Given the amount of schools you are applying to, it may prove difficult studying for and taking the October test. If you are really adamant about getting into hpme then maybe you should retake it to at least above 700. Otherwise, you can always let them know in the application request that Chemistry is difficult for you (you may need to include more impactful circumstances)

@tripledouble2000 hpme is not my number one choice, personally I have PPSP and PLME significantly above hpme, and those both do not require chemistry. Other bsmd schools on my list are UMKC, VCU, REMS Rochester, RPI, miami university hpm, and SLU. I have gotten 5s on nearly every AP test (8 taken) except for chemistry in which I got a 3. Do you think that my lack of knowledge in chemistry will be important to the admissions committee for all of these bs md schools/


" Did I request the application too early?"

Yes, your request is too early.
(NW will review your HPME application in October)


“Do you think that my lack of knowledge in chemistry will be important to the admissions committee for all of these bs md schools”

You worry too much. The only school might have an issue in SAT Subject Chemistry is NW HPME. All other schools in your list are definitely fine. Please use SAT score choice to send out only Math 2-800 and Biology -750 to your favorite Case Western Reserve PPSP and Brown PLME.

Good luck.

How do I attach documentation to verify my awards and activities in the common app?

For example, where would I upload a scan of my volunteer hours, or provide actual proof that I got the RPI Medal?



It is an honor system. Colleges trust you but they reserve their rights to verify anytime.

Stanford allows applicants to fill in their test scores, GPAs, etc. but when you get the admission from Stanford then you have prove what you say in the common app.
(I actually think this is a good idea because it saves a lot of money.)

Is anyone here thinking about the Miami University Miller Medical combined program. I know that this program is not exactly combined, but I am still confused as to what exactly the program offers. If anyone goes there and has experience that would be greatly appreciated also.

Penn State requirements state to give the exact class ranking. Our school does not rank. How does this impact the selection process?

@rbmed18 it doesn’t impact it at all. More schools these days don’t rank students. My DC school did not rank either but what the guidance office did was send a stat sheet for the high school with the students grade info along with relative grading of the rest of the class, how scoring is done and information regarding the competitiveness of the high school in the state. 3 students that year got interviewed at Penn State and one was accepted and enrolled.

Folks, any idea if BS/MD programs, in general, require SAT Essay score, or just SAT. I understand that SAT subject tests are required/recommended, but wondering is SAT essay is required as well. Thanks!

@RedMan108 the programs probably prefer SAT with essay, though I’m not sure they require it.

@RedMan108 @tripledouble2000 I’m applying to almost all of the BS/MD programs on the East Coast and Midwest, and the vast majority require the SAT with essay, or ACT with writing section. Also, most require one science and one math SAT II.

Thanks, @GreenPoison @tripledouble2000 My son got 1580 in SAT and 6/6/6 in the SAT essay (and perfect scores in SAT II subject tests Chemistry and Math). Wondering if he has to retake SAT to improve essay score. Thoughts?

@RedMan108 NO. His scores are fantastic. We all tend to pay super attention to test scores since they are tangible and some thing you can easily compare and visualize. Don’t burden him with taking test again and use the valuable time to focus on the essays/prompts and the application. Also focus on the current senior year courses. GL.

@GoldenRock Thanks. He is still a Junior but prefers to spend his time on other priorities (research etc.) than re-take SAT, unless the essay score is a deal-breaker.


Your son has very good scores, I understand your concern in his SAT essay. I suggest him to take ACT instead of retaking SAT (very little room for him from 1580 to 1600 except for an unknown essay score).

Base on your information, I think your son can have top ACT scores with writing then he can use ACT scores to apply BSMD programs. (All BSMD programs accept either SAT or ACT scores)

Good luck.

Thanks, @bsmdegree. I did a quick check and noticed that except brown, SAT essay seems to be optional at most of the BSMD programs.

would you mind sharing the colleges that you are applying that requires SAT Essay? Thanks!

@RedMan108 I guess it depends on how you interpret things
 in my mind, at least for the BS/MD application process, I automatically associate the words “highly recommend” with “required”.

Since there’s such little gap between all of the top applicants, I feel like its not worth risking an admissions officer’s ire for choosing not to send a simple essay score.

Schools that require/ recommend the SAT Essay or ACT Writing Section include : RPI, Union, Brown, Penn State etc.
(In other words, a large amount of the many BS/MD programs).

Also, just a word of advice for your sons writing SAT score. I initially scored a 5/5/6 the first time around, but I felt that it looked like an unnecessarily bad blemish on an otherwise solid SAT Score Report. So instead, I took it a second time, and got a 7/7/7. In my mind, this is perfectly fine, since one of the two graders gave you a perfect score (4) for each of the three sections.

If your son is sort of a perfectionist like me, it can’t hurt him to take it again, since most of the BS/MD colleges superscore the SAT (a few less do so for the ACT).

Edit: Penn State changed their policy so you don’t need Essay or Writing Scores any more