***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Most competitive programs like BU typically have 1500-2200 applicants. Across the board the number of applicants seem to be increasing every year.

Does anyone know if there is an advantage in applying to RPI via Candidate Choice application over Common app?


Candidate’s Choice Application

“Students may also apply via the Candidate’s Choice Application. This streamlined application is available to students who have expressed an interest in Rensselaer. Please note that students applying to an accelerated program (in law or medicine) cannot apply using the Candidate’s Choice Application.”

If applying for Physician-Scientist you have to apply via common app.

@njdesimom @Empire007

Yep… it’s pretty odd though.

I emailed RPI about it, and they still reaffirmed that if you want to get considered for the Physician-Scientist Program, you must apply via Common App.

Ironically, a large portion of the kids applying to the BS/MD program already are Medalists who have access to the Candidate’s Choice Application, but are forced to pay the common app. fee and apply later.

Thank you for the advice! @GoldenRock

Thank you for your input @goldenrock.

Thank you, @bsmdegree!! Was technologically isolated so sorry for late reply!

I do wonder, though, on common app about the option to list ap scores! Yay for 4’s or 5’s, but what about 3’s?

@ppst If you took the class your expected to list it.

Even if you didn’t, you might as well list it to possibly get college credit for the class.

@ppst I didn’t list any of my AP scores and did just fine, also you might want to think through getting credit for some classes as it may be beneficial for you to retake some of the intro sciences/math as they give you a good base and help you start off with a great GPA before you get into some of the tougher courses like O-chem.

Can anyone clear up some stuff for applying to VCU Guaranteed Admission Program for Medicine? General information about GAP program states that applicants need to submit two essays (one about my interest in medicine and another about my unique character) and “apply” page of GAP for medicine states that applicants need to submit a personal education paper (https://apply.honors.vcu.edu/prospective/admissions.aspx). Are the essays and personal education paper separate things, so we have to submit three “essays”?

Also, for VCU, you just need to fill two applications (one for undergraduate and one for GAP for medicine), not three (undergraduate, Honors College, GAP for medicine), right?

I can see your point, @GreenPoison, for transparency and all, but listing a few 3’s, a 4 and a couple of 5
s, while not hurting the application, may not help it either. Also, @Undecided3494, she really would benefit from taking some courses in college and getting a great grade and foundation! Thank you both!!

Hello, everyone! Are there any BS/MD programs that don’t place too much emphasis on research during application review? I never liked the lab life (I’m very involved with actual patient care, shadowing and volunteering), and I didn’t realize research was this important until now (3 months before applications are due, yikes :frowning: ). Will my lack of research ruin my chances at a BS/MD?

Not really as long as you have shown your passion for medicine in other ways along with all other criteria.

@TheElusiveGod there are several BSMD’s that put emphasis on other criteria over research, such as hospital hours and community service.

Can someone please chance me for Texas Tech BA MD, University of Houston 3+4 program, rice/baylor, or baylor/baylor?

SAT I (breakdown):1530 (770 Math, 760 Verbal,ESSAY 20)
ACT: 34
SAT II: Biology 760,MathII 790,
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):1/50
AP (place score in parenthesis):WH:3 CALC BC:5
IB (place score in parenthesis):N/A
Senior Year Course Load:AP CALC BC, HUMANITIES, ARABIC, CHEM(dual credit)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Commended,


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): SOCCER VARSITY(senior), ARCHERY(Sophomore-Junior), HOSA(Secretary,treasurer), STUDENT COUNCIL(SEC, PREZ),UNICEF(CO FOUNDER, VP, President, president),JWAC,BROADCASTING/JOURNALISM SAT TUTORING(founder),
Volunteer/Community service:HELPING HANDS 100+, Many Doctor Shadowing/volunteering hours
Summer Activities:Quran Tutor 80+hours(Freshman), Cisco Intern, Ut Southwestern Physics Camp(Sophomore), UT Southwestern Research Intern(Junior)
Essays: Pretty Good
Teacher Recommendation: Above Average
Counselor Rec: Average
Additional Rec: Really Good
Interview: Above Average


State (if domestic applicant): Texas
Country (if international applicant):USA
Intended major(s):Business
School Type:Private
Ethnicity:Pakistani American
Income Bracket:200k+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):

hey I just went through the BS/MD cycle and got into 6 programs. If you have questions, DM me.

Hi Kybron,
I am a parent of a rising junior who is interested in BS/MD program. It’s very impressive to me that 6 of these programs accepted you. As I can assume the number of schools that you applied are more than ten. Can you share your lists of programs that accepted you and your credentials, EC, sample of essays, research experience etc? Any insights or advise that you can give to my DD? Have you ever think of the BS DO programs before too as alternative plan? How about the BS MD programs that affiliate with Carribean medical schools? I am very eager to know the answer. My DD is a junior in San Francisco.
Best regards,
Philip L


I have couple of questions about 2 BSMD programs

  1. Seven-Year Dual B.A./M.D. Program with GW Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
  2. Eight-Year Dual B.S./M.D. Program with St. Bonaventure University

Other than the fact that 1 is 7 year at GW and other is 4 (SBU) + 4 years (GW). What are the unique features in choosing between the 2 programs.

Is one program relatively easier to get in compared to the other?

I have heard that its not advisable to apply to both the programs and feed into the same MD programs. Is that true?

@EasyG9 one is an accelerated program one is not. Getting acceptance to either program may not be unique in terms of difficulty but going thru the undergraduate portion in 3 years (as opposed to the full 4) maybe challenging for some. We heard that also about not applying to multiple undergrad schools that feed into one med school, but from what we saw it didn’t seem like the very strong candidate was penalized for doing that.