***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

@any0916 You have crossed only half the journey (good GPA, test score and EC). Complete the other half (good essays, do well in interviews and have hope for good luck). No one can chance and the only way to know is to apply and go thru the journey.

Apply to both BS/MD and regular path. Some of the BS/MD, review closely and finalize which ones you want. For example, U of Florida is no longer BS/MD. Wayne may be tailored for URM. Make sure to visit and discuss with current students for Neomed and UMKC (there is an extensive thread there for UMKC). Don’t dive just because of 6 years.

My DC will be applying for BS/MD programs this year, other stats look ok, but the number of AP’s will be around 7-8 by the end of senior year, she will be covered for AP Bio/Chem/Physics/calc/Psych, her school does not offer that many AP’s in the curriculum, I would like to know what kind of impact it will have on her application

nothing to be concerned since your DC covered the key APs and 7-8 is very good. FYI. My D school also had constraint and she did 7 (3+4) in school and did 2 on her own.

Thank you @GoldenRock,

Stats in this forum scares us , I hope kids wont get penalized for their school restrictions. :slight_smile:

@ techhv "…I would like to know what kind of impact it will have on her application "

Schools see AP classes taken by applicants as challenges.
(She has 7-8 APs by the end of senior year is fine)

Because AP exam results come out in July,
applicants can provide AP exam results taken in junior or sophomore years,
applicants can list out senior APs taken in senior year.

When applicants from same school exist, do they tend to be compared first?

@ppst "When applicants from same school exist, do they tend to be compared first? "

No admin admits there is a quota per school.
Your competitors are from all schools.

Thank you @bsmdegree ,

I have seen kids self studying for lot of AP’s as well. My D plan to do that for one AP.

There are other challenging courses than AP’s in their school curriculum like Discrete Math, hopefully that will count too.

@techhv “There are other challenging courses than AP’s in their school curriculum like Discrete Math, hopefully that will count too.”

Here is the website that tells you all AP scores will be credited by a specific college.
(For your D, she might take
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics I or AP Physics II or AP Physics C
AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC
as high priority APs in her transcript for applying BSMD programs


My daughter is a rising senior applying to a few BA-BS/MD programs this fall. She has focused on her ACTs and has no plans to take SAT II subject tests. The programs she is considering have not stated that SAT subjects tests are required, if ACT is taken. Do you think it gives an applicant any additional advantage to have taken SAT II subject tests? GoldenRock or any one who is used to the BSMD application process in the past years, please comment. Thank you.

Thank you @bsmdegree, that was useful.

I am mainly concerned about the weightage that will be given to the AP courses during the admission process, I am fine if my kid has to take the same subject again in the college, infact, I prefer that, as I believe learning at college level will definitely give them more grip on the subject.

@techhv “I am mainly concerned about the weightage that will be given to the AP courses during the admission process,”

There are 2 things that all applicants can do

  1. list out AP courses in application forms to show applicants would like to take challenges.
  2. take AP exams and get good scores to show the applicants capabilities in that areas..

@TTV2018 "Do you think it gives an applicant any additional advantage to have taken SAT II subject tests? "

It depends on the BSMD schools you applied.

Northwestern University (HPME) requires SAT Subject Tests (Math Level 2 and Chemistry)
(Applicants have NO choice to provide above SAT subject test results)

University of Pittsburgh (GAP) does NOT require SAT subject tests.
(You can sent them in but admins will NOT look at them, no advantage at all,
I had asked U of Pitt admins and confirmed it.)

The rule of thumb (no brain way) is
If you have good SAT subject test cores, send them in
(they do not hurt you but they can show you capabilities in that areas)

Can anybody give me official U of miami BS/MD program information webpage (on how to apply)? Im seeing MSP program that says only u of miami studnets are eligible to apply, but I’m sure I have seen plenty of previous high school students who applied there.


U of Miami program now is called HPM (students will be selected in their junior year in U of Miami, NOT same as other BSMD programs,)


@Bankrupt I don’t believe U of Miami offers a direct BSMD program to HS applicants anymore. I believe that stopped after 2016 cycle. It seems as if now you can only apply to MSP after completing your junior year at the U, similar to what they do at other schools like University of Delaware.

@bsmdegree @Empire007 ohh thank you for the information. It’s sad to see all these great programs diminishing.

Btw, how are thses 2018 applicants applying to Drexel bs/md? I believe that Drexel program is no longer offered after 2017.

From what I understand, the accelerated option is no longer offered at Drexel, but the 4+4 option is @Bankrupt .

@atx789 what are your stats

How many people apply to BU 7 year typically?