<p>Anyone applying to any program at the Tisch School of the Arts. If you are applying to Stern or CAS, back away.</p>

<p>I applied early to Tisch for film!! I hope we hear this week-is that possible? Probably next week though. What program did you apply to?</p>

<p>film as well, i'm so nervous, i could vomit, i dont know when we hear, i think regular ed applicants hear the 15th or later.</p>

<p>that's what they say but I know people last year were hearing as early as the 9th. I just hope to hear by early next week!</p>

<p>either way, im going to be losing some serious weight via projectile vomiting, i will try to time it to go on smart people around my school.</p>

<p>AHHHHHH! Must find out now. Wait too long. Must speak like cave man when angry. Grrr.</p>

<p>Hey you filmies... I applied film/tv too... what'd you guys put in your portfolios?</p>

<p>I went the video route.. and I think that was a bad decision?</p>

<p>What other schools are you looking at too?</p>

<p>yeah, I sent in some films I did at the summer program at Tisch. I can't wait much longer!!! I hope we find out early next week! I'm applying to USC, Emory, Chapman, maybe some others, I'm not too postitive. What about the rest of you?</p>

<p>why would video be the bad route, that is what you are applying for, if sending your videos is a bad route, i dont think you should apply, not to be mean, im saying this in a nice way, like, if you can write, cool, but how can you interpret your writing through a different medium, in a creative way...?</p>

<p>ld10.. I didn't mean that.. I can obviously make a film, or else I wouldn't be applying. I could only send clips though. All my short films I have made are over 10 minutes. They are looking for kids who can tell a story well, and I am hoping that I accomplished that with the material I sent in. I was just thinking that maybe I should have written a short story to better show off my story telling abilities.</p>

<p>I'm applying to pratt, emerson, boston u, and central florida.. staying on the east coast I guess... my brother goes to emory.. =D</p>

<p>o, alright, what did you do for your dramatization, i mean them ****s got prettttty extensive...</p>

<p>ha, for my dramatization I wrote about this insane night when I was in Rome. I thought it turned out really well. What about everyone else?</p>

<p>I wrote about a pretty ridiculous car crash I was in. I'm not sure how they will like it though.. I mean.. we are write with our own styles.. and my writing is sort of... weird.. and post-modern.. It was all in flash back and what was going on inside my head.. I thought it was alright though... I guess it was kinda hard to flesh out what took only a few seconds...</p>

<p>i talked about the day the cops raided my house and took my dad to jail, saying they had a warrant for his arrest, that was nuts.</p>

<p>haha crazy.. I think we are the only three checking this thread... =D maybe we will be the only three to be accepted.. =D jk jk</p>

<p>do you guys know about how many people they take into the film program each year? Some schools I have looked at or visited only take 15 to 30... I'm guessing NYU is just the same?</p>

<p>I dramatized how I went to see Star Wars: Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith the night of my Junior Prom, comparing my wrong choice to Anakin's and coming to the horrible realization that our choices led us to the darkside and a path we didn't want to follow. </p>

<p>The way I write is hard to describe. I like to put a lot of detail in discribing events annd emotions. Writing is my favorite thing to do so I think it came out realy good. </p>

<p>I guess it's also a kind of existential story of finding your own way and light in an uncaring and unsympathetic world.</p>

<p>And yes, I'm a Star Wars nerd and freaking proud of it!</p>

<p>weird...i hope that came out well, it sounds good, a little absurdist to make those claims with a star wars movie?</p>

<p>well, i overdramatized everything in it, so that it tells a narrative story of my journey that night. I can't really explain it.</p>

<p>Bkiddo25-I think it sounds wonderful!</p>