***OFFICIAL*** University HONORS Decision Thread

<p>Post your decision, stats, and whether or not you think you'll be attending. We can also use this space to talk about other schools we're considering and discuss how Tech measures up.</p>

<p>I can start:</p>


From Virginia (Fairfax County)
3.9 GPA
2210 SAT
SAT II Scores: Spanish with Listening (800), Literature (730), US History (750)
I will graduate with 10 AP Exams (So far, I've taken 4 exams. I've gotten three "5"s and one "4")
My school does not rank.</p>

<p>Extracurriculars: Stellar
Recs: Great
Essay: Great</p>

<p>OTHER OPTIONS: Honestly, I'm completely undecided. I'm still waiting to hear back from UVA, W&M, and a bunch of other schools, but I will update this thread when I decide.</p>


<p>How many do they accept?</p>

<p>ovechkin, are you going to the Honors weekend Friday/Saturday?</p>

<p>@redfire: I’m not exactly sure, but I think the number is somewhere around a hundred incoming freshmen a year. Again, not sure.</p>

<p>@indecisivealways: I didn’t even know there was an honors weekend coming up. Deets please?</p>

<p>Oh it was an e-mail invite thing. Just trying to find someone else who was going.</p>

<p>hey is that GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>does anyone know when the RD Honors decisoins are coming out?</p>

<p>@waterboy151, I was an RD honors applicant. I was notified a while back. If you havn’t received notificiation, I would call tech and ask them about it.</p>

<p>From the VT Website:</p>

<p>"Notifications of acceptance to Honors are being rolled out throughout the Spring.</p>

<p>We appreciate your patience"</p>

<p>I.e., Don’t call. You should receive your decision sometime soon.</p>

<p>S was denied.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.25
SAT: 2100
AP: 9
EC: Lots</p>

<p>Will attend either W&M or UVA</p>


<p>GPA: 3.95/4.62
AP: 9
EC: good amount</p>

<p>Will probly attend UNC, UVA, or CMU though</p>

<p>I’m wondering how they do admissions to the program? I don’t mean to sound over-confident, but I don’t know how I didn’t get in…</p>

GPA: 4.28/4.64
SAT: 2230
AP: 4 including senior year, all honors/advanced honors otherwise
EC: good
rec: great
essay: awesome</p>

<p>I’m not bummed because I wasn’t going to go to VPI anyway, but just a little stunned?</p>

<p>^That is weird!! I wonder if there is some fatal flaw somewhere.</p>

<p>@guillaume, Haha, it would appear so! Maybe they dislike me because I’m from CT. Who knows! Oh well, like I said, I’m not too bummed. The spot would have gone to waste anyway. =/ Congrats to those that did get in.</p>

GPA 4.25 Weighted
Fairfax County
SAT 2080
SAT Subjects Chemistry 800, US History 800
AP’s 5 total - AP tests 2 fives so far, most other classes were honors
EC - Great - varsity sports all seasons, several honor societies, church volunteer
essay - average
Rec - great</p>

<p>Early Admission to VT</p>

<p>Guess was overconfident but was shocked with denial. What does it mean for getting in for sophomore year? What does it really matter?</p>

<p>My son received his acceptance letter late last week. We didn’t think he’d get in – he was turned down by JMU’s Honors Program but did receive one of their Second Century Scholarships.</p>

<p>Decision: ACCEPTED</p>

SAT Verbal: 690
SAT Math: 670
SAT Writing: 650
SAT Total: 2010
SAT II: 720 US History, 670 Literature
ACT: n/a
AP taken/scores: 5 US History, 4 European History, 3 Eng. Language. Taking AP Calculus, AP Environmental Science, AP French, and College English this year.
GPA weighted: 3.84
GPA unweighted: 3.56
Rank or % estimate: 41 out of 297</p>

Essays: good
Teacher Recs: The one I saw was excellent; I didn’t realize he walks on water without getting his feet wet.
Counselor Rec: No idea; didn’t see it.
Hook (if any): none</p>

State or Country: VA
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Legacy Yes/No: No
Recruited Yes/No: No
Important ECs: Golf team captain, Scholastic Bowl team captain, NHS, some volunteer work in and out of school
Deferred Yes/No: no</p>

<p>Other Factors: Attended a VA Governor’s School junior year.</p>

<p>General Comments/Congratulations/etc: Accepted into Geosciences.</p>