***OFFICIAL Virginia Tech Regular Decision Class of 2017 Decision Thread***


<p>College of engineering </p>

<p>SAT I (breakdown): 610 (Math), 450 (Verbal), 560 (Writing)
TOEFL: 104 writing 27 speaking 28 reading 23 listening 26
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.5
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
GCE/A-levels: A level Physics, A level Mathematics, A level Business (Sitting june 2013 exam)</p>

<p>29 ACT composite
1290 SAT math/science
3.8 Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0)
Also Accepted George Mason, Purdue, University of Tennessee Knoxville</p>

<p>Decision: Accepted</p>

[li] SAT I (breakdown): 2210 (800M, 720R, 690W)[/li][li] SAT II: 780 Chemistry, 770 Math II[/li][li] Weighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.505 Weighted, not sure about UW.[/li][li] Rank: 18/673[/li][li] AP (place score in parenthesis): European History (3), Lang/Comp (5), Chemistry (5), Calculus BC (5), US History (3)[/li][li] Senior Year Course Load: All AP: U.S. Government, Lit/Comp, Computer Science A, Statistics, Psychology, Physics B (they did not offer Physics C this year)[/li][li] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None[/li][/ul]
[li] Extracurriculars :[/li]Academic Team: In it for all 4 years. Specialized in math, but became a Co-Captain in my senior year.
Boy Scouts: In scouting since 1st grade, was once a senior patrol leader and twice an assistant senior patrol leader. Nearing Eagle rank.
Choir: I have sung in my church’s youth choir since 6th grade. I have been the Co-Leader of the sound crew 3 times. We sing nearly every Sunday and go on tour for a week in the summer, performing memorized lyrics and choreography.
FRC Robotics for 4 years.
National Honor Society since 11th grade.
[li] Job/Work Experience: None.[/li][li] Volunteer/Community service: Volunteered at food pantry, made meals for the needy (Stop Hunger Now, SERVE, etc.). (50+ hours)[/li][li] Summer Activities: Choir tour for a week, boy scout camp.[/li][li] Essays: [/li]Personal statements: Did 2 of them. 8/10 I’d say.
Honors dorm essay: Poured my heart into it, was 2 characters under the limit. 10/10 (It got me accepted as well as an interview! :slight_smile: )
[li] Intended Major: Physics[/li][li] State: Virginia[/li][li] School Type: Public[/li][li] Ethnicity: White[/li][li] Gender: Male[/li][li] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Both parents attended college there.[/li][/ul]
[li] Strengths: Interesting essay topics, decent stats.[/li][li] Weaknesses: No major awards, no summer jobs, slightly low on community service.[/li][li] Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted to RIT, rejected at Cornell and Princeton.[/li][/ul]General Comments: Virginia Tech 2017! I am very excited about being accepted into honors. Be yourself in writing the essays, and start taking the SAT early on in order to have more time to improve your score.</p>

<p>DD was deferred for EA and wait listed for RD. GPA 3.8, SAT 1190, 5 years French, sports, clubs (with officer positions), 10 AP classes, 3 years part time job, ect… Really VA Tech??? I am sure a big part of it is we live in NOVA and she is white female. Does not matter now…
I am now the proud Mom of a JAMES MADISON DUKE!!!</p>

<p>With 10 AP classes and a 3.8, I’m curious to her grades. Aren’t AP classes weighted?</p>

<p>First 3 years of high school: 13A’s, 4 B+'s, 3 B’s and 1 D+ (Functions and Trig). 4 AP classes senior year.</p>

<p>ODUMom, did your daughter by chance e-mail admissions to see where her weak point was? My son did that and they told him it was because he basically did not have enough AP courses. He attends a small, private high school and they have fairly strict requirements on who gets to take an AP course (basically you must have a cumulative A in the prerequisite course). Because of that, he did not get into as many as VT would have liked but he certainly asked to get into them because he ALWAYS has a high B. It kind of burns my butt a bit because I have friends in the public school system and their C-average kids are offered admittance into AP courses. I was hoping that any college that reviewed my son’s application would see the tighter standards and take that into account. Who knows, maybe they did.</p>

<p>We are also from Northern VA which appears to be a curse unless you are a superstar. </p>

<p>My son was also accepted to JMU but is not happy about it yet. He’s so depressed over the VT waitlist thing. We’ll have to see how he feels after the visit.</p>

<p>Accepted :)</p>

SAT I: 1230, Math: 680, Critical Reading: 550
ACT: 27
SAT II: Physics 610
Unweighted GPA: 3.857
Rank: None
AP: AP World History (3) AP Language & Composition (3) AP US History (4)
IB: None offered
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calculus AB, AP Literature, Research & Development, Government Honors, Web Technology & Design, AP Physics C, STEM Engineering
Major Awards: AP Scholar</p>


<p>Extracurriculars: School’s student ambassador
Job/Work Experience: None
Volunteer: Volunteer every Saturday for 4 hours at local hospital, volunteered at elementary school’s fundraisers, volunteered over the summer at current high school
Summer Activities: Volunteering
Essays: 3 essays; “Ut Prosim”, Malcolm Forbes, Personal statement
Teacher Recommendation: Calculus teacher
Counselor Recommendation: None for VT
Additional: None for VT
Interview: None</p>

Applied for Financial Aid: Yes
Intended Major: Engineering
State: Virginia (Northern VA)
Country: USA
School Type: public high school
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: unknown
Hooks: None. I’m the first one in my family to go to college.</p>


<p>Strengths: Through my essays I was able to show my true self, not a robotic generic student. I made my essays personal so the readers would know who I am as a person. I excel in math courses and I take classes that reflect my intended major (Research & Development and STEM Engineering)
Weaknesses: Tests…
Why: I think it’s because I tried to show them who I am instead of trying to pretend to be a superstar student. I was honest in my application and showed my voice through my essays.</p>

<p>VT was my #1 school and I was so excited when my admissions letter came:). My second choice school was JMU and I got in as well but my heart is definitely at VT. My older cousins go there along with some childhood family friends. I am totally stoked to be a Hokie next year! As you can see, my test scores are quite average (nothing special) and I’m an adequate student. But I was still able to get in. The key is to be unique in your personality. These admission officers see thousands of straight A students with excellent test scores but they want to see something special to add to their diversity at their institution. That’s the key. If you show your true self, you’ll be fine. DON’T BE A GENERIC STRAIGHT A STUDENT. For those of you who are waitlisted (or to parents whose child was waitlisted) I am sure you/he/she will be fine:). Think positive! I live in Northern VA which is a VERY competitive location, but they were able to see something special in me. Don’t be discouraged from being waitlisted. If you don’t get in this year, go to whichever school was your 2nd choice and if you still want to, transfer later on. My cousin’s heart was set on VT but she was denied and ended up going to JMU. She was set on transferring but when she was there, she fell in love with the school. Don’t judge a school, or be so narrow minded on just one school. Whichever school you end up attending, I guarantee that you will find something there that you love:)</p>

<p>Best wishes to all of you and congratutlation to those who were already accepted!!:)</p>

<p>To those who are going to JMU, my D is a junior there now and could not be happier. Great, great school. Lots of fun, challenging classes, internship opportunities, beautiful campus, you name it. (They still talk about JMU beating Tech football a few years ago…Just sayin’.)</p>

<p>Looks like son will be a Hokie!.. sorry JMU!</p>

<p>ChrisVa1-same situation w our kids school. VERY restrictive about who may take an AP course-you have to have an A and a rec to get in. Frosts me b/c our cousin who is a normal first born bright but not a genius is in APs in 8th grade at her public high school on Long Island, NY. She will have well over a dozen when she applies.</p>

<p>Decision: Waitlisted</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): 640 cr, 710 math, 660 writing
[</em>] SAT II: 680 Math II
[<em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7 weighted (unsure of weighted)
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
[<em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): world(3), us(3), lang(3), stat(4), BC calc(4 with AB subscore of 5)
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: Chamber Orchestra, Journalism, AP Environmental Science, AP Computer Science A, US VA government, honors English, Multivariable calculus/ linear algebra (Calc III enrolled through George Mason University)
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): CIA award at science fair for Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical, 5 time District Orchestra
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (secretary), Tri-M (secretary, vice president), It’s Academic team, journalism staff, youth Orchestras of Prince William, Washington Youth Foundation, manage varsity tennis, started Cyber Patriot team at my school
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: intern at Northrop Grumman
[</em>] Essays: 2/3 essays I’m a mediocre writer so 6/10
[<em>] Intended Major: Computer Science
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): Virginia
[<em>] Country (if international applicant): USA
[</em>] Ethnicity: Asian
[<em>] Gender: Male
[</em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Both parents graduated from VT
[<em>] Strengths: mathematics, work experience
[</em>] Weaknesses: grades and test scores
[<em>] Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Below average grades and average sat scores
[</em>] Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: JMU accepted, George Mason accepted, Maryland at College Park accepted for spring, UVA denied