<p>Just a side note, I love how the similar thread at the bottom are there just because they all contain the h-word as the keyword</p>

<p>What i would do everyday after classes is review ur notes for an hour everyday. Reviewing can be the key to success, my electronics teacher did that everyday in his college and turned out to have a 3.9 GPA by graduation. By the way u should probably drop a few clubs just so u can do this.</p>

<p>While it might vary by degree/industry, I can’t stress the importance of Calculus especially in graduate school. I have been haunted by infinite series, partial fractions, u-substitutions and integration by parts in the majority of my graduate classes. </p>

<p>At the UG level you can typically get by with a TI-89 but Calculus is really something you want to master for advanced education.</p>

<p>Don’t forget Taylor expansions, nshah. <em>angry face</em></p>

<p>Oh yeah.</p>

<p>Bessel functions? Method of Frobenius? Power series?</p>

<p>One better know their series.</p>

<p>But at least with Bessel functions you just look it up in a tables somewhere. Taylor series are things you usually have to write out on your own.</p>

<p>Calculus without significant skills in Algebra and Trig is a class that requires a 20 hour commitment to get a good grade in. </p>

<p>Algebra isn’t like most other subjects. You need to grind it until you’re good at it and it takes a lot of hours to get good at it. Intelligence plays little role in the mastery of algebra so stop acting like we’re being condescending.</p>

<p>Whatever you decided, don’t give up.</p>

<p>Thanks all. Really. =]</p>