<p>Okay, I'm going to be a junior. I'm a pretty good student.
I'm ranked 1st in class.
All A's.
I take the toughest classes offered
My GPA is a 101.98 on a 100 point scale with a 5% weight for honors classes (which isn't a whole lot)</p>
<p>I have tons of EC's which I enjoy and am devoted to:
drama -- - I am a prominent actress who often gets significant roles and lead roles
Speech team --- I often place 1st, 2nd, 3rd in our meets and the state championship.
Band -- I am part of the jazz band. I am 1st trombonist. I have made it into KV band, which is audtion-only. I participate as much in band as possible.
I also play tennis, but I'm no good at it. ^_^
I write on the school newspaper regularly -- a couple of friends and I are going to attempt improving the newspaper next year
I participate in the school's peerhelpers program
I am on student council
I was an ambassador for Maine Youth Leadership --- SUPERBLY amazing program by the way! ;-)</p>
<p>I feel like I'm all set to get into a relatively good school -- maybe I might even have a shot at an ivy?.....except for my SATS.</p>
<p>I'm going to be a junior. That means I'm going to take the SATS soon.</p>
<p>I got 85th percentile on the critical reading and writing sections. 79th percentile on the math on the SATS. -_-</p>
<p>What are some ways in which I could raise my score? THe thing is, I'm not naturally intelligent. People think I am, but truthfully, I only know how to get good grades. </p>
<p>I also don't work well under pressure. -_- I'm absent-minded and I can't keep focus while reading long passages. </p>
<p>So far, I've bought a SAT study book, and I've taken a few practice tests. I get about 8 or so wrong each section. :-(</p>
<p>I don't know what to do! I need to raise my scores in each section by 200 points or so, and that's stressing me out so badly. =( Can you guys help me at all? Is there ANYONE out there that has raised their score up by 200!? I'm thinking of hiring a tutor but I fear getting ripped off and I don't want to waste all my parents' money.</p>
<p>How much should I study? WHAT should I study?</p>