Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Anyone else hear ?

We are OOS still waiting. Son has 4.25 GPA and no scores (we are in FL and the tests got canceled from Covid). 9 APs and tnos of ECs and leadership. OSU has been his lifelong dream so we are busting. He literally has an entire OSU wardrobe already. Praying we hear tonight


My son too. OOS in Poly Sci.

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We are poly sci too

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I’m a In State poli sci hopeful!

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It seems that the people who got in with ACT scores, all had high ACT scores. I hope we didn’t make a mistake by submitting a 29 ACT score as opposed to going TO.

My OOS Daughter is a Sophomore at OSU (Go Bucks!)- she heard at Friday night @11:50pm on 11/16/2018.

Now waiting on my HS senior…


Wow, that is SO late… good info

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S21 is also waiting and Political Science major - good to hear there may be more trickling in - hate to wait…

@Nymommy123 They seem to have started earlier this cycle so I wonder if they will continue to release decisions that late. For my very stressed-out daughter, I certainly hope they do! Wishing your senior luck!

Still waiting. OOS. 3.7 UW 1380 SAT. applied mid-October.
EDITED: got accepted. decision must have showed up between 7 & 7:30 pm EST.


Daughter Admitted
In State
4.0 UW
31 ACT


@elenanola21 We are with you!!! I’m not happy b/c this wait is going to be so long!!!

Seen conflicting info. Anyone know if the next notification is really January 29th or if they will do weekly. Seen posts saying people telling them AOs have told them both. So crazy that it would be 6 weeks apart

This question always remains unanswered :laughing:I guess only time will tell? A week from now…

the real question is whether or not they’re going to keep releasing till midnight or if they’re done by now

Another good question. It would be helpful if they shared that information like many other colleges do. We are waiting anxiously. Already upset enough that the big game got canceled tomorrow


any public heath or pre med acceptences?

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any athletic training acceptances?

not looking so good for a lot of instate people… i go to school in cbus with 3.7 UW and 31 ACT… nothing yet