Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

I just got accepted!! I was so sure I’d get deferred or denied but I got in! So happy!


congrats!! what were ur stats??

My stats are pretty average so I was very surprised.
GPA: 3.2 UW, 3.7 W
4 AP’s and a good amount of honors classes
27 ACT
Extracurriculars: marching band and a job with leadership roles in both

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@wlehockey Ahhh, so its the school profile. I understand. Thanks!

Hi! My daughter got her decision today and she got deferred. She applied for Neuroscience pre-med. We are in state. She has a 3.7 GPA, test-optional, did research at OSU’s main campus and has very good ECs. She also has 4 AP’s 3 IB’s and 1 CCP. She also feels that she had a strong personal essay. Any tips or hope of getting in? I am kind of upset. Thanks!

I got admitted. I am a political science major, 28 ACT, 3.95 w GPA, 3 extracurriculares, and a leadership position at my job. Good luck everyone!

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Also 3 APs

  1. Be pro-active. If you care about attending the school, let them know; that means don’t be silent. Read their communication carefully and follow the instructions. Do what they tell you to do and don’t do what they tell you not to do. Don’t send additional letters of recommendation if they specifically state to NOT do so; you will pay the price.
  2. Send new information. A deferral is a great opportunity to share new information with a college or university. If you have an update on: first semester grades, new test scores, new award(s), new employment, new leadership role(s), etc.
  3. Create a strong letter to the Admissions Office. Articulate why you are still interested in their college. If you don’t know the Admissions representative who handles your high school, try and find out.
  4. Consider sending an additional writing sample.
  5. Stay upbeat. Don’t come across as angry, threatening or bitter in your letter, remember you are still applying for admission, i.e., they still hold all the cards.
  6. Consider a campus visit. If you’ve never visited the campus this is especially important. If you have previously visited and choose to revisit, make sure you try to do something during the upcoming visit that allows you to have a meaningful interaction with students or faculty at the college or university.
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I checked my portal a few minutes ago and I was accepted! No letter or email notifying me, though. Does anyone know when Honors Program/Financial Aid decisions are scheduled to come out?

Hey! If you don’t mind me asking, what is your major? Thanks!

My S21, same PoliSci - awesome!

They are rolling. Anytime between now and April.

Just got accepted I’ve been waiting the whole day for this!:sob:

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Sustainable plant systems :slight_smile: it’s in the agriculture program

I’m still under evaluation :frowning: I applied August 2nd and STILL haven’t heard anything. I’m getting very frustrated

I’m also OOS if that is a factor

My dd was surprisingly admitted to UMD but deferred by OSU. :woman_shrugging: We’re in NY.

Accepted any1 know where to find out about merit aid and morril

Twin D’s got accepted today! In-state, Biomedical engineering and Chemical Engineering.


Good luck