Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

If you get a decision today can you please post if you were RD or deferred?

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Just got in today, how do i pay fee?

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Were you RD or deferred???

I was RD

When did you submit your application? We are still waiting.

My nephew is a freshman at Purdue. Such a wonderful school! When he and his dad flew out for a visit last year before covid, they really rolled out the red carpet for him. Heā€™s very happy with his decision to attend.


Yes Purdue rocked the acceptance emails. It was so warm and inviting and celebratory.


We did not get a decision today and we applied RD in November.

How long does it take to get the email and the official letter in the mail?

I agree! Purdue has been great in terms of providing information and in making an out of state mom feel comfortable sending her son 15 hours away to school. Decision hasnā€™t been officially made yet, but Purdue has definitely made a strong case!


We did an in person tour before lockdown last year. Weā€™re in IL and Son got into UIUC for Engineering, but Purdue was the first campus he and we all feel in love with, like right there on the spot. Thereā€™s a vibe there, thatā€™s both intellectual and joyful. Every tour guide we had was exuding do much love for their school, it was actually infectious. If your son goes there, it will be a great choice made. Hope the weather wonā€™t be too rough on him.


I agree with this. I am from FL and I have a girlfriend whose son goes to Purdue and he loves it and she absolutely loves the university regarding their communication and how they treat parents and families. Said it is awesome and welcoming especially with the pandemic. He is an aeronautical engineering major


I agreeā€¦S21 has been accepted and offered scholarships OSU and Purdue, tough decision ahead. S16 graduated from Purdue last year. From a parent standpoint I loved it. S18 is at Iowa State and they also give me the warm fuzzies. I have no experience with OSU, hoping weā€™ll get a good feel for it when we visit campus.

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Thanks so much for the response! Itā€™s great to hear about the intellectual and joyful vibe on campus! We unfortunately havenā€™t had the opportunity to visit yet and with the covid related travel restrictions in our home state, arranging a visit will be a challenge!

Weā€™re from Massachusetts so it wonā€™t be too much of a stretch weather wiseā€¦At least I donā€™t think it will be. That said, if he chooses Purdue, weā€™ll make sure to send him with tons of outerwear options for those cold winter days!

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Weā€™re still holding out hope that my son will qualify for the out of state Buckeye scholarship. I think that Ohio is my sonā€™s 2nd choice after Purdue. Getting a scholarship from OSU might shake that up a bit since my son would be full pay at Purdue University. Would love to know more about how the engineering programs compare. Iā€™m sure Purdue has the leg up ranking wise but wonder, if OSU came in lower, would Purdue be worth the extra cost?

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Thatā€™s so good to know. It lines up exactly with how we felt and how warmly we were welcomed on campus.

My son is hoping to study either aerospace or aeronautical engineering! Purdueā€™s aerospace engineering program looks hard to beat. Does anyone know how Ohio State Universityā€™s aerospace program compares in terms of internship/co-op opportunities and graduate outcomes?

My son was a CS major, and S21 is going into business of some type. I guess Iā€™d also be looking at the process of getting into the specific engineering major at each school since that varies. We were surprised at the OSU scholarships and are looking forward to seeing campus.

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Great questions. Would love to hear more from others who have inputs. Have you also checked out Quora with these questions? Have picked up a lot of insights from past professors and Alumni from Quora.

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I know! OSU has been amazing with the scholarships. So grateful. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: