My son wants to wait to check his portal after he gets home from his bowling match.
Daughter accepted for Medical Lab Science. In state. GPA 4.2 weighted. Several AP and CCP. Lots of extra curricular and leadership exp. ACT 29
I’m grateful mine is at physical therapy. Good distraction!
Yes, for them! I have been a Nervous Nelly most of the afternoon. I need to calm down.
Seems like some international decisions, then a bunch of in state. Has anyone OOS heard today?
DD22 admitted to Business School OOS
We are from NY - accepted to business school today
Yes NJ admittance to Fisher this afternoon
any illinois?
Evaluation for younger son….guessing bad news….ugh. Congrats to those that got in. Older son is there and loves it.
I feel like they released a bunch of neuroscience at the same time. I got in oos neuro around 1:30 today
My son OOS IL accepted to Biology. He texted me about 2 hours ago that his portal changed to admitted.
Status just got changed to admitted … S22 Bio major , IL staudent
Admitted OOS Engineering. Anyone know when they send merit award notification?
Any Massachusetts people hear yet?
Any rejections yet? Deferrals?
My D22 was also admitted to Biology. She also got into Purdue and Miami and deferred by Case Western. I think she’s leaning towards Miami since they have a BS+MS Biology program she can complete in 4yrs because she’s coming in with a bunch of college credits from another state school.
I am also wondering if anyone knows if/when merit will come? My OOS S22 was admitted in Dec but have not heard anything about merit yet. It would really help in the decision making process!
In State. S22 Admitted Biology this afternoon.
Has anyone heard from Morrill?