<p>Sarah Sexton has won the Mitchell Scholarship, a prestigious award allowing her to pursue a master's degree at the University of Limerick in Ireland for the 2006-2007 academic year. Sarah is the first Ohio University student to receive this award. Other recipients include students from Dartmouth College, University of Virginia, Georgetown University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Indiana University, Emory University, and Oklahoma State University.</p>
<p>Rachel Cook, a junior HTC English major, has been named as a recipient of
the prestigious Morris K. Udall scholarship. This honor is given annually to
approximately 80 undergraduate students nationwide with a demonstrated
commitment to careers related to the environment. Rachel will receive
$5,000 and will attend a special Udall Scholars weekend in August.</p>
<p>Jon Harvey, who is now a recipient of the Goldwater Award a prestigious
award reserved for exceptional students interested in research careers in
science, math, or engineering. He is currently a junior in the Geography
department majoring in meteorology. Jon will receive $7,500 for next school
year. Jon also won the Hollings Scholarship, earlier this year.</p>