Ok I am boned. Badly.

<p>Pretty much this test determines what college I will get into. I will be nervous until the scores come out in three weeks, so I just want some reassurance. Based upon the difficulty of this month's SAT (one with cow question).. how would I score with these estimated raw scores?
Last month I scored a 1920, so I am hoping to get over the 2000 benchmark. It was the last time I can take the SAT.</p>

<p>Critical Reading: -6
Writing: 11 Essay -7 or 8 Multiple choice
Math: Omit 4, -11 MC</p>

<p>CR- around 720
Writing- ~650
Math- around 600</p>

<p>Based on EriktheRed’s official SAT curves.</p>

<p>I didn’t take it, so I don’t know the difficulty, so I will give you a range (and an average estimate), based on past curves.</p>

<p>CR: 720-760 (740)
M: 640-670 (650)
W: 650-700 (680)</p>

<p>This is assuming you did the raw scores right.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.erikthered.com/tutor/SAT-Released-Test-Curves.pdf[/url]”>http://www.erikthered.com/tutor/SAT-Released-Test-Curves.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


EDIT- Does this mean 4 omitted PLUS -11, or does the -11 include the 4. If the former, my math estimate was too high.</p>

<p>So that is 1970? Any chance for over 2000?</p>

<p>Edit Billy, your calculation was 2080. That is a difference of more than 100 points from what cornet suggested.</p>

<p>4 omitted and 11 multiple choice wrong. I suck at SAT math</p>

<p>Then 580-610 (590) math.</p>

<p>Usually -11 means total calculation, including -1 for omitted and -1.25 for wrong. Round .25 or .5 down.</p>

<p>-6 will usually be around the low 700’s. It all depends on the difficulty of the test. You have a chance of exceeding 2000 but it’s not very high.</p>

<p>i have never heard the word “boned” used in the context that you’re using it in…</p>

<p>^It’s like saying “I’m so ****ed” or “I’m so screwed.”</p>

<p>Yes, if it was an unusually difficult test, across the board, then you will have a chance of breaking 2000. However, it is not overwhelmingly likely. The judgment as to the difficulty of the test must be made by a frequent taker of the SAT, who will be able to compare it to past tests, the curves of which are more or less known from anecdotal evidence on the SAT forum. However, even such an assessment will be somewhat unreliable. So I’m sorry, but you’ll have to wait to find out. Good luck.</p>