OK im confused.. am i international or in-state?


I am going to be junior this fall

and I came to US when I was 8th grade… (class of 2007)

I have H-4 visa and my father has H-1 visa

which means he (my father) pays taxes (his part of incomes) to the state

We are expecting to get our green card in 2008…

When I apply to colleges in 2007, am i going to be considered as international or in-state?

Is anybody facing same kind of problem that I’m having?
Does anybody know RELIABLE answer for my question…?

I’m confused help me out


<p>On applications you will probably be able to say that you are a resident of ____ state, but not a citizen of the US. You may be able to find a place to say that you will be getting your green card within the next year.
Look at an application to see what questions they ask about citizenship, and plan accordingly. If you can't figure it out on your own, call an admissions office, and explain your situation. They'll be able to give you better advice than anyone on this board.</p>