Okay, so how does this schedule look?

<p>Freshman Mathematics Major: Spring 2012</p>

<p>CHEM 101/111 with Keeney-Kennicut
MATH 172 with Papanikolas
CSCE 111 with Hurley
THAR 281 with Quackenbush</p>

<p>I am actuallly still debating on whether to take Chem 101 with Kennicut or Astr 111 with Krisciunas to fulfill my science credit. Any advice? I'm actually kind of interested in taking Astronomy instead because it seems interesting but I was told by other people the class was very time consuming and for me, as an applied mathematics major, I wanted to focus on doing well in my math and computer science classes, so that's why I was wondering.</p>

<p>Don’t have any opinion on what you want so sorry.</p>

<p>THAR 281 is by far the easiest class I’ve ever taken with Quack. Lol after I got my 3 attendance quizzes out of the way I didn’t have to go back the rest of the semester and still finished with a 105.</p>

<p>You really don’t even need to count THAR 281 with Quack towards your hours because it’s not even a real class.</p>

<p>Those classes are not difficult, and since you’re only taking 4 classes, it won’t be a time demanding load at all. I’d look at adding a 5th class, especially with TXAggie92’s comments regarding THAR 281.</p>

<p>That looks like…a very easy schedule.</p>