old exam of AP multiple choice questions

Can anyone tell me how to find old exam of AP multiple choice questions in recent years? I know students can do practice exams online. However, did collegeboard publishes old exam for practice? I hear teacher can download practice exam in PDF, will it be more complete than that for students? If so, how can student ask from teacher? Thanks.

there are not online. try to ask your teacher for practice or buy barrons

SOME of the courses that have not recently undergone a major redesign (like stats and physics C) have full practice tests (including multiple choice) online, provided by the college board. However, this resource is not available for students for courses like physics 1 or the redesigned world history exam. Albeit, your AP teacher will likely be able to access the practice test which is released through the AP course audit each year which generally is from an alternate testing form from the previous year (like the late testing date) and does include multiple choice. It should be noted that these tests cannot be found online and only through an AP teacher. Technically, the teachers are not even allowed to let you take home the exam.