Olin Class of 2026 Hopefuls

I noticed there were Class of 2023, 2024, and 2025 Hopefuls, but nothing for Class of 2026.

My daughter was accepted to Candidates’ Weekend, and she’s very excited. As of right now, Olin is her top choice. Seems like the school was custom made for her. Hope she makes the final cut!


Best of luck to your daughter! Olin is a very special place for the right kids. If you have questions along the way, there are a couple of Alum parents who check in here occasionally. They were incredibly helpful to me during the years my kids applied. I had 2 graduate from Olin and am happy to answer any questions you have. Have fun at CW!!!


My daughter is a senior at Olin and it has been great for her. Wishing you student the best!


Thanks to both you and @MuggleMom! I’m a little wary of her falling in love with the school (or any school for that matter) too much until she gets that final acceptance letter, but I will be sure to hit you up with lots of questions if and when that happens!


I totally get that. Best of luck! And feel free to be back in touch if you have questions.


Just saw that Olin is open for Spring visits for anyone who hasn’t had the chance to check it out yet. Best of luck!


First few ‘events’ for Candidates Week under our belt and I am getting more and more excited and impressed. I can certainly see how this school isn’t for everyone but I LOVE their philosophy and approach to education. Trying to temper my enthusiasm in case my daughter doesn’t get accepted. And of course, letting her figure out for herself if this is something she wants… really, I am! :smiley:


Feeling the same way. Don’t want to feel ‘all-in’ in case she doesn’t get in!

I’m not sure how familiar you were with Olin before CW, but since I already was, I actually thought they could have done an even better job communicating what’s special about the school. (For a bit of additional context, my daughter and I were able to fly out to Olin during that narrow window where COVID seemed to be calming down. She was able to spend a full day shadowing another student, attending classes, eating at the cafeteria, etc.)

My biggest gripe about CW is how they allocated 2 hours to the music stuff on Saturday and had nothing else during that day. My daughter’s not a musician but felt compelled to attend the event, even though they were sure to emphasize that it’s optional. It would have been fine for them to allocate that much time to music if they had other activities going on, but that was it for that day. And then the Academic Chats event on Sunday forced people to choose among some really interesting content. Do you want to hear about research opportunities or about the curriculum? Too bad if you want to learn about both. I really wish they had spread out those academic chats so you could explore a variety of topics.

All of that said, it’s such a perfect environment for my daughter. It’ll be a tough few weeks while we all wait for the results! It would be so painful to go through all of CW and then not make the final cut!

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I am thinking of all of you and remembering being in the same boat in 2018, waiting anxiously for these couple of weeks. I think anyone who is chosen to attend candidates weekend is likely to have good options to consider come the end of the month, but Olin is indeed a special place. Please feel free to circle back if you have questions later this month or next month.


We know how exciting it can be. We used to joke that the Kool Aid ran really strong at Candidates’ Weekend. Back when they were in person, I volunteered at many. Its hard not to get caught up in the hype. Like @christinelin said, if you made it to CW, you will most likely have some really great options by the end of the month. We all want our kids to go where ever we think they will be happiest or have the best experience. The reality is, if you kid made it to CW, they are probably the type of kid to make the best of whatever situation they are in and will thrive where ever they end up.

My kid had a super CW and then I watched as his heart shattered when he was waitlisted. I hope that it doesn’t happen to you, but it certainly happens. These unique kids all find a home, and they bloom where they are planted. For you guys, I hope its Olin, but if its not, that doesn’t mean its not going to be awesome.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated the parents on CC the years that my kids applied to Olin.


It certainly is tough anxiously awaiting the top choices from Candidates’ Week. Olin certainly seems to have been custom made for my son as well. I wonder when final decisions will be made!?

If prior history holds, this Friday, March 25 will be the day.

My son came away from CW thoroughly enamored with Olin. Fingers crossed for everyone waiting. It is so sad to think of any student going through CW being rejected after coming so far in the process!


Thank you so much. I will be holding my breath for five more days.

It is so difficult when you know it’s something your child wants so badly. Like your children my son has worked so hard throughout his entire school years but most importantly the past four. He has gone above and beyond with AP classes taking more than needed just to challenge himself and to attempt to keep his college tuition down. He also has to work part time so coupled with AP classes and work life he’s been limited with extracurricular activities like sports, music, etc. With that being said I feel like he may be overlooked due to the lack of extras. It’s heartbreaking!

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If he got into CW, he is a viable candidate for admission to Olin! Work experience is a definite plus for admissions committees as well. I know it is hard to predict this crazy admissions cycle, but you can only do the best you can and hope for the payoff. My son has a serious health condition that has limited some of his ECs opportunities (and he didn’t mention it on apps because playing that card isn’t something he would be comfortable doing) so I do understand. Trying to remain hopeful!

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Kudos to you and your son. My son would not mention also that he needs to work to pay for his car insurance etc. and he will be putting himself through college. I will try and remain hopeful right along side you and your son.

:purple_heart: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

What does everyone who were selected for CW see in their portal now?

Nothing new here!

Thanks. On mine, all application items and CW items (with green checks) are gone. Only one item is now showing. Guess they are getting ready.