Olin Class of 2027 Hopefuls

Hi, patiently waiting for the chance of a CW invite. Does anyone know when the invites typically come out? Best of luck to everyone!

Added tagged version this time. New to college confidential!

Its got to be really soon, traditionally CWs are the last 2 weekends in February and first one in March and people need time to arrange travel plans. Best of luck! Its an amazing experience for the right kid.

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Really hoping for good news. My son loved Olin when we visited this summer.

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@linehan We’re on the west coast, and I’d figured a summertime visit would be of little help, as I figured the students would be away and it’d be hard to get the vibe (though I think one of my D25s might love it). I know we’re a little early for our kids, but you’d recommend a visit if we’re nearby this summer?

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@LionsTigersAndBears I would definitely recommend a visit over the summer. We’re in Colorado, so it was quite the hike for us too. We visited MIT, WPI and Northeastern in the one trip. My son fell head over heels in love with Olin. The others didn’t come close. It was tough, covid numbers were still high, so we weren’t allowed inside MIT at all which was unfortunate. They just gave a guided outdoor tour.
The tours really helped my son cross some schools off the list as well. At Olin we had a great student tour guide named Carlos. The machine shops were amazing and there was a wall of 3D printers. My son does FIRST robotics so felt very comfortable in that environment. We met really friendly students working in the machine shop. We got to see all the labs and classrooms. Lots of stickies and hands-on agile activities were evident. The tour really gave us a good feel for Olin. I hear people either love it or hate it. So very important for your child to understand where they land on that. We got to see lots of the projects that the students worked on and their posters. Tour of the cafeteria, games room with pool. Would highly recommend visiting! Best of luck next year!

That is super helpful! Thank you so much! I really think it’ll be a good fit, but you’re right, that visiting will help clarify that. We’ll absolutely try to make a visit work out!

I should add very inclusive environment as well. As a female engineer myself, I love how it’s 50 / 50 male / female. It’s also a very creative environment. Students don’t need to have done robotics before. They had sewing machines and other creative materials in the library. They teach the kids how to use the machine shop safely from the beginning and don’t assume prior experience. That’s amazing that undergraduates have access to these facilities from freshman year. In larger universities, undergraduates have to wait a lot longer to gain access.


Sorta hoping today? I think by Friday for sure though.

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Olin just posted on Instagram to check your portals!!! Best of luck to everyone!

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I got in!

Congratulations! You’ll have a blast! Best of Luck!

Unfortunately my son got waitlisted. Congrats to everyone who made it!

@Linehan Don’t lose hope just yet. They often pull from the CW waitlist. I know multiple kids that were waitlisted for CW and eventually were accepted and enrolled at Olin. In previous years, Olin has been very much ‘building their class’ and look for very specific characteristics (which we are completely unaware of). By all means, focus on your other options, but if Olin is a front runner school for you, be ready to book a trip on short notice, just in case.

Thank you @MuggleMom needed that. DS has been admitted to some great schools, and still waiting on more. But Olin was by far his number 1. Absolutely he’ll continue thinking of the rest of his list, but will absolutely be ready to get on a plane if the opportunity arises!

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Daughter got off the interview wait list today and will be doing the 2nd weekend. Any recommendations on preparation for the interview?

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@racereer Congrats to your daughter.
Its not actually an interview, although there may be interviews, its a full weekend of activities. There is also plenty of stuff for parents to do and learn if you go with her. The best advice for Candidates’ Weekend is for your daughter to just be herself. They want to get to know her, who she really is. Tell her to make sure to get all of her questions answered. Parents, if you’re going, make sure to get all of your questions answered as well. Olin is such a unique college experience, that they want you to understand what it is and make sure you’re comfortable with it. There will be plenty of parent volunteers around to either answer your questions, point you in the right direction, or just be a friendly face. CW was such a great experience for all of us, that we (kid and parents) volunteered for years. Best of luck!


Would you say it’s a more formal, structured interview? Or a more conversational one? I am a bit nervous for the CW individual interview, and I am not sure how to prepare besides the standard interview questions of who you are, your passions, why Olin, etc.

Honestly, I’m not sure how much you can prepare. Sure, prep for the standard interview questions, but CW is so much more than a 15 minute interview. Every year, the format changes a bit, so anything I know from previous years may not ring true this upcoming CW cycle. I’ve said this before, and I meant it, just be yourself. CW is a chance for Olin to get to know you, and for you to get to know Olin. Take advantage of every opportunity to ask your questions and get to know the Oliners to see if you can picture yourself there. Intimate doesn’t even begin to describe a college with roughly 350 kids. Once you’re immersed in Olin culture you’ll be able to tell if you think you’ll be comfortable and productive in the environment. It’s not for everyone. Best of luck!

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My son was on the CW waitlist and got recalled for CW #2. He had a great time. We were able to do some of the parent activities Friday night. Nice kids, nice parents, students seem very creative and enthusiastic! Administration seems very dedicated and on the ball. Overall great experience.


Nice kids, nice parents, students seem very creative and enthusiastic! Administration seems very dedicated and on the ball. Overall great experience.

Yes! This was our visit as well. Really positive and lovely community.

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