omfg its so fcking hot

<p>Not bringing my truck with me was a huge mistake. I pretty much just sweat all day hiking up and down these hills in this heat, BLAH!</p>

<p>this weather is awesome. it’s bloody miserable when the rain is pouring and there’s gusts of wind that make the rain slanted.</p>

<p>all im sayin is im goin rollerblading today while you guys cry about melting.</p>

<p>lol, just eat some ice cream and suck it up ;)</p>

<p>Say hello to 1999 for me while you’re at it waiting. hahaha jk</p>

<p>I came up here from So Cal to escape the hot heat and yet it still gets me :frowning: Give me the cold and rainy Berkeley weather already. I did not bring myself up here to be baking in the hot sun again.</p>

<p>Batman, i certainly will haha. the 90s are where its at, dude. and i dont care what anyone says, rollerblading is BOMB. fosho.</p>

<p>I may go to the main stacks yet again :frowning: just for the fricking ac</p>