Omg I"m Not Applying Anymore!!!!!

<p>My father got an offer to move to Singapore next year and took it and I am extremely psyched so, I won't be applying anymore. He just told me, I thought I'd be dissapointed but, nope. </p>

<p>I am so happy that you guys helped through this journey and I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Enjoy your adventure and your journey! It will make a fabulous college essay. Happy trails to you and your family!</p>

<p>That's a great attitude. These sorts of things will happen throughout life and those who aren't married to a particular course get to take advantage of them. Those are are less resilient don't. The fact that you're embracing this bodes well for your ability to adapt to a very different environment and culture. It must run in the blood. People who are less able/willing to adapt miss out on so much. To the flexible go the spoils?</p>

<p>enjoy your new life in singapore! sounds v. exciting. wishing you all the best!</p>

I heard that it is AMAZING.
The environment is awesome.
So you will go to an international school.
ALthough you can't really blow gums in there...
Or that's what I heard.
THe rules are very strict, there are polices everywhere who will NOT let you go if you do anything to pollute the environment.,,
THey'll make you pay fines for spitting, chewing gums and all that.
BE AWARE!!!</p>

<p>Singapore is soo great,
I went there last spring, and I'm going back this spring.
The weather is awesome, and the country in incredibly clean.
:) have fun</p>

<p>i can say that if i had worked hard for applying to boarding school, i would not have been as psyched as you are now! =) </p>

<p>i went to singapore for winter vacation and just the airport is AHH-MAZING! and the actual city is even more unbelievable!
i hope you'll enjoy it!</p>

<p>Hope you don't like gum. I had to throw all mine out before we left the airport when we stopped there while changing flights...</p>

<p>The city is beautiful, though. A very warm, tropical climate...absolutely gorgeous. I really hope you have fun there! :)</p>