<p>So, I have hidden very quietly in the corner of this forum for years now. First, I lurked as a bright-eyed high school freshman who curiously and eagerly awaited "amazing" college process. (Ha, little did I know...!) Throughout the years, it became more frequent to check on here. Recently, I have been here constantly! I am in the process of transferring from a local community college to a BA/BFA undergraduate program as an Acting major. The information I have found on this website has been unbelievably beneficial, and I so wanted to thank you all.</p>
<p>I am doing this process alone. My parents are supportive when they can be, but they are uninvolved in this process. They do not know all that surrounds the mild insanity of pursuing a theatre degree, none the less a career! They give all that they can give, and for that I am consistently grateful. However, doing this alone has made for a rather lonely process. To come on here and read that there are others who share the same troubles and worries that I have... it's comforting beyond belief. To hear your personal stories of success and rejection help to keep me afloat. Thank you for sharing your stories on this forum, as they have helped more than you can imagine.</p>
<p>To the parents on here who are risking everything, that make making spreadsheet, appointments, travel plans: your children are so lucky to have you. Your selflessness to give to your children is unbelievable. We, the children, are grateful, even if we don't say it. If your D/S snaps at you, know that right now they're just stressed out. Once this is over, they will have the foresight to be able to see all that you've given. If they don't tell you enough: thank you. Personally, I thank you for giving your kids so much love and support. It gives me a lot of hope.</p>
<p>To the students: ahhhhhhh! I hope you had wonderful auditions and that you break legs on any remaining ones. I hope you get into the program that is best suited for you and that you grow into the most incredible performer and person that you can be. In the meantime, breathe! If your parent is super involved in the process, you are really lucky. Your parents are stressed out, too. They're doing this because they support you in the journey of following your dreams. Many aren't as lucky to have a familial support system. Thank your parents and tell them you love them because for all that they do, they deserve it. To all those who are doing this without your parents involvement, high five! As a student myself, I know how hard you are working to balance auditions with schoolwork. It's nearly impossible, but you can do it! High schoolers: high school will end sooner than you know it, so enjoy it while you can. To fellow transfers: trying to get into a program is hard enough, but trying to transfer? It's an insane process, but look at us go! We're doing great! Good on you for going after what you want. Keep your head up. Also, be nice to the high schoolers at auditions! They're just as scared as we are, but they're really great. Don't knock em ;)</p>
<p>I don't know if I'll post again, but I wanted to say this. Right now, we all want to pull our hair out (if we haven't already!) In the midst of audition season and during the painfully anxious wait to hear back, don't forget why we do this. Don't forget why we perform. It's not because we want to throw away money, or that we like the cattle call anxiety of five girls in the same colored dresses, or to audition for the professor that never looks up the entire time (!) ...It's for the love of the craft. Stay grounded in that passion. </p>