On campus game viewing for Iron Bowl

<p>For those families heading to Ttown for Iron Bowl without a ticket, is there a place on campus where we’ll be able to sit and watch the game?</p>

<p>Is the Ferg going to be open? Or maybe Lloyd Hall? </p>

<p>I don’t know where there are TVs on campus or what will be open. I know Nott Hall usually sends out a message that it’s closed on game day, but I remember Lloyd Hall’s food court being open on Family Weekend. Don’t remember if there was a TV there or not.</p>

<p>We’d like to stay on campus, near the Quad, since we’ll hopefully be parked on campus and will want to get the shuttle back to our car when the festivities are over.</p>

<p>I don’t know if Lloyd Hall will be open, but maybe it will ( I don’t know if there are TVs there.) </p>

<p>The Ferg might be open. It does have TVs. You may have to call on Monday to find out.</p>

<p>Ferg will definitely be open and usually has tv’s set up for viewing.</p>

<p>Burke Hall will be open (not sure about tv’s though) </p>

<p>Lloyd Hall will be open ((not sure about tv’s though)</p>

<p>Buffalo Phils on the strip is a fun place to watch. They serve food obviously and don’t care if you sit at your table all game. You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.</p>