On-Campus Summer Housing?

<p>Thanks for thinking of us, Class2012Mom! That was kind. We are still not sure what we are going to do yet. He has his application in with UA for a couple of summer jobs. I think if he were to line up even just a few part time hours each week I would be good with that and lean on him to spend the summer in T-Town.</p>

<p>My dear wife “worries” that he will come home and just take up space all summer, not find a job, and not take any classes. I somewhat share her concerns in one ear, and in the other ear, the boy is “squawking” about spending “all summer” in school and he tells her that “this could be the last summer he gets to spend with the family” (he is a smooth operator, I will give him that. He sure is cunning when it comes to his mom’s heartstrings).</p>

<p>My angle is forward progress at all times, no matter how minor. I get the fact that it is healthy to decompress a little over the summer, but even if he took both summer sessions he would still have almost the whole month of May at home before he headed back. I just want him in the best position possible moving forward semester-over-semester and he is in REL 112 this semester (spring option) to finish his last remaining gen ed requirement. He doesn’t seem to have his heart in it, and as a result, he isn’t doing quite as well as he should be and I think he is considering a W. I’m not thrilled, but that’s just me.</p>

<p>It really isn’t even about the money, I just want him to learn the value of “opportunity cost” and I fear he isn’t looking quite out as far on the horizon as he should be. I know next spring he will be an even better co-op candidate (no offers this spring, but he is just a freshman) and if he is given an offer there will be conflicts with courses remaining to be taken.</p>

<p>I also know I have to temper the fact that these days, it is quite an accomplishment to get an engineering degree in 8 semesters (let alone 4 years with co-op) but I was very aggressive and got my degree in 3 years with a combo of summer classes, correspondence classes (Internet? What is that??) and proficiency exams.</p>

<p>I am learning it takes great restraint not to project too much onto my children. I just want the best for them and to see them happy and successful.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting me vent. I feel like I need to pay someone now! HA!!</p>

<p>rolltide90, the last day to drop was Wednesday, March 20. If he didn’t already drop, he’s in for the duration. </p>

<p>I feel your pain. It’s hard to see our kids struggle to the learn the lessons we have learned though the experience of our years. Just remember, you knew it all way back then, too. We all did!!</p>