once accepted...

<p>On the site there's a link that says, "click if you wish to accept our offer".</p>

<p>We only click that if we're sure we're going to attend next year, correct? Or is it a "okay, i've received my acceptance news" button?</p>

<p>Many apologies for the ridiculous question, but it's driving me crazy!</p>

<p>I never even thought about it. Good question.</p>

<p>I'm almost positive it means to click if you are sure you're attending (or if you want good housing and you're willing to lose $200 if you decide not to attend). Because when you click it it brings you to a place to pay the deposit.</p>

<p>thanks for the clearup!</p>

<p>I accepted admissions while I'm still waiting to hear back from the college I was deferred from. You have to pay a $200 deposit fee, but it ensures good housing etc...</p>