One Final Chance Please

<p>UC GPA: 3.96
UW: 3.59-3.61 (Not sure how USC calculates)
W: 3.84-3.96 (Not sure how USC calculates)
SAT I: 2100 (640CR, 720W, 740M); 2100 (600CR, 720W, 780M) - retaking
SAT II: Math IIC - 800, Physics - 630 (retaking), Biology - (taking)
APs: World Hist. 3, Calc BC 5 (AB Subscore 5), Phys Mech. 3, Phys E&M 3, Eng. Lang. 3
Class Rank: Top 10%</p>

<p>California (in-state)
Male/Asian (ouch?)
Major: Biomedical Engineering</p>

Puzzle Club - Pres. & Founder (11th-12th)
Math Club - (9th-12th)
Marching Band - (9th-12th)
Business Club - (10th)
Local Chinese School Student Council Communication's Committee Chairman - 10th-11th
Trumpet - (4th-12th)
Piano - (1st-9th) MMTA Finalist/Honors Concerts - Finished program
Drawing - (6th-8th) Minnesota State-fair 1st place
Web Design - Both for Profit and Non-profit (9th-12th) - ie. my school's teachers, PTSA, band/orchestra/choir/colorguard, the Perinatal council, a local Chinese school, a local recycling program</p>

Web Design (mentioned above)
Thrift Store - 10th-11th Summer
City Museum - 9th-10th Summer & a little during 9th school year</p>

<p>Work Experience:
State Fair Boat Show - Just a day giving directions, explaining the show
Internship - 11th-12th Summer; R&D Material Testing work (Bio/Chem/Mech./Materials Engineering related); Testing fibers to help cure a sinus disease</p>

<p>Course Load (courses with a "/" are one semester of each course):
9th -
H Global/Health
Span 1
Marching Band/Symphonic Band
H Geometry

<p>Summer -
H Alg. II</p>

<p>10th -
Span 2
Marching Band/Wind Symphony
H Eng
H Pre Calc
AP World Hist.</p>

H US Hist.</p>

<p>11th -
AP Phys Mech./AP Phys E&M
Marching Band/Wind Symphony
AP Calc BC
AP Eng Lang
Span 3</p>

<p>12th -
AP Bio
Marching Band/Wind Ensemble II (tryout band)
AP Gov./AP Macro Econ
AP Eng Lit.
AP Stat
AP CS</p>

<p>Solid Essays. Decent Recs.
Almost increasing GPA trend (just messed up with one B in AP Phys 2nd semes)
Reason for poor start (not sure if I'll mention this in my essay), but moved from Minnesota to CA at beginning of 9th grade... had to make new friends, get used to the place while balancing school work at the same time</p>

<p>From these first few weeks, Senior year grades are looking solid.</p>


<p>-USC looks at unweighted GPA along with the strength of your classes and class rank. They do not look at your weighted GPA because high schools weight differently.
-Being a male/Asian won't hurt you- don't worry.
-Your R&D internship is a very good ec. Maybe you can get a good essay out of that(?)
-I think I would mention the move in the essays.</p>

<p>Honestly, it will be a close call. You definitely have a shot. Churn out a good app/essays, and get some stellar recs. You have to figure out a way to stand out to put yourself over the top.</p>

<p>USC does ask mid-term grades and that could also put you over the top. No senioritis yet!</p>

<p>I agree you have a shot... as long as you make sure NO slacking this year whatsoever...until second semester =) </p>

<p>I don't know what admissions would think, but I don't think you should explain your move. <em>shrug</em> your stats arent bad enough to warrant excuses</p>

<p>Hm - just wondering, what are considered "poor" midterm grades with 5 APs?
I'm pretty sure I can manage 2 B's at the most, but is a "C" considered a "nono gonna get kicked out after being accepted... w/e the term for that is" even for an AP? Are 2 B's bad too for 5 APs?</p>

<p>USC is going to look at your mid-term grades BEFORE they accept you. In your case, I believe those grades will be very important.</p>

<p>The average UW GPA for accepted USC students is about 3.8. Since yours is about 3.6, you need to either have an amazing 1st semester or have some other hook. No one here is going to know exactly what grades you need but I'm sure any C's are not going to be good. I know it seems frustrating to take all those AP's and still be judged on their unweighted grade, but that's what it is at USC- it's a highly selective school and most of those accepted took honors and AP's.</p>

<p>The good news is that there are many with your stats who did get in. Check out "Official Decisions 2007..."</p>