One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Finished LADY IN THE LAKE and have moved on to SONG OF ACHILLES. I did not think I would be interested (not into Greek mythology) but Madeline Miller is a great writer and it is an enjoyable book. Her next one CIRCE is supposed to be even better.

@surfcity , what did you think of Lady in the Lake? i just finished it also; first time I’ve ever read a Lippman novel. I had mixed feelings but think I will give her another shot. I read Song of Achilles too earlier this year. I was also mixed on this novel (a little too romancey for me, but like you, I was surprised that I did find the Greek mythology aspect interesting. I do plan to read Circe.

“His name is Derek Black, not Duke. His mother was once married to David Duke before marrying Derek’s father. Mom has tremendous taste in men. ?”

I have to say that I found a non -discussed but weirdly fascinating party of this story that, after divorcing Duke and marrying his best friend, the mom remains on such friendly terms with Duke that she makes him her kid’s godfather. I guess there are limited choices for good friends among followers of White Supremacy ?. I also was legitimately surprised to find myself thinking that Blacks parents were good parents ( yet terrible people).

@maya54, I thought they were loving parents (at least while he towed their line), but not good parents. When he grew up and dared to have his own point of view rather than continuing to parrot their hatred, they treated him horribly, especially the mother. Even now their relationship remains strained, despite Derek’s attempts to suspend the subject of race during their interactions in the interest of peace. They refuse. Their entire beings seem completely wrapped up in this one subject.

All parents bring up their children with some level of “infliction” of their values, whether it be religion, politics, notions of what’s right and wrong, etc. I get it. But these folks just brainwashed this kid from birth to be an activist. It appears that’s all they think about, talk about, and do with their time. It’s such a one dimensional life.

I also grew tired of the author’s constant use of the terms “White Nationalism,” when in fact the movement is not simply that; it’s all about White Supremacy.

@4kids4us full disclosure, I know Laura Lippman so i don’t think I can be absolutely objective. I have only read a couple of her other books which are more standard police procedurals, so I thought this one was different with the bit of class/race theme running through it. I also am partial to the newspaper angle she put in it, so it is hard for me to say. It is getting great reviews and I did enjoy reading it for an interesting read beyond just “whodonit”.

I am looking forward to Circe because so many people have told me it is great.

Has anyone here started THE TESTAMENTS? The sequel to the Handmaid’s Tale? It had a huge opening day!

@surfcity, I liked it, but didn’t love it. I liked the setting very much and felt she did a great job getting the feel of Baltimore in the 60s. I just didn’t care much for the main character; I thought her decisions were so self-centered w/o much care for how they would impact others. I understand she was trying to “get the story,” but I just couldn’t get past her actions. I don’t need to like the main character to enjoy a book, but the plot just didn’t grab me too much. I did like it well enough that I will try another of her novels. I was pleasantly surprised, at the beginning of the book, when I saw who she dedicated the book to as I live in the community that was affected by that tragic shooting.

In her final notes at the end, she mentions heading to the beach and getting a call from her mother who informed her of the shooting that had just occurred. I also was driving to the beach and had just gotten on the highway right near the scene. All of a sudden dozens of police cars passed me so I knew something was wrong. I spent the next two hours, in shock, listening to the news on the radio. My neighbor works for the paper but thankfully was not there at the time. Just kind of weird to read in her Afterword that she too was nearby and on her way to the same beach as me.

I don’t have to love the main character, but I have to like someone even if they might be making bad choices. I think every book I’ve truly hated (some to the point of not finishing) I hated because all the characters were so unlikable.

Has anyone mentioned The Girl Who Wrote in Silk? Kelly Estes

A modern woman fixing up the family house, finding a silk sleeve of a Chinese robe. Back and forth in time, to the woman who wrote her family history on the silk.

Sequel to Olive Ketteridge being released 10/15.

“A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backman as mentioned multiple times, a fabulous audio presentation.

Working my way through the Rosie series. Finished The Rosie Project, The Rosie Effect, and just started the Rosie Result. Having an adult son with autism and several male relatives with Asperger’s (though I know it’s been cut from the DSM), I can easily relate to Don. Thanks to whoever recommended these books!

I like the writing style of the author, Graeme Simsion, so I have a few others of his requested from the library.

“The Nanny”–one of those books you just get online from the library.
Very well written and edited and just a little escapism. I like it far far more than I thought I would. Super character development for the 2 main characters,

Just finished two books that were exactly what I needed to get through two long flights (8.5 hrs each way)—The Wife by Alafair Burke and Inheritance by Dani Shapiro. The former is a thriller about a perfect couple that isn’t so perfect. The latter, a memoir by a novelist who takes a DNA test—the results of which turned her world upside down.

“Boom town”! About Oklahoma City, its beginning, present, and future. About its NBA team OKC Thunder - Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, and of course Jame Harden (and his beard). About its weather, tornados, and its weather man. Before this book, I knew about three things of OKC, the tragic bombing, fracking-induced earthquakes, and its tornado “fame”, I sure know a lot more about this middle of nowhere city, largest city by geographic size in the world, and many of its proud citizens of past and present. A book that is fun to read, Sam Anderson the author is good at bringing people and history to life. Highly recommended.

1 recommended nonfiction book:

1 recommended fiction book:

1 recommended book for parents going through college search:

Just finished Miracle Creek by Angie Kim and really enjoyed it. Met the author at a book club dinner for 8 people last week and she is delightful and so generous with her time. Can’t wait for her next book.

@4kids4us I totally understand you point on LADY. And yes, the dedication and the situation she describes in the end notes is a story she told that very day and has told a million times since. It really shook her.

I just finished SONG OF ACHILLES and am thinking about starting CIRCE.

I have a bunch of non-fiction I am working on too: GRIT, WHAT I FOUND IN A THOUSAND TOWNS (Dar Williams), SUPERTHINKING, and a couple of others.

@VaBluebird - recently finished up Lillian Boxfish. Thank you so much - really enjoyed it. I didn’t know until the end notes (I was reading on my Kindle) about Margaret Fishback.

Agree with @Sybylla about UNDOING PROJECT and @Lindayfromny about CHASING ZEROES. Both great! I didn’t enjoy Lady in the Lake, and next up for me is Circe

I finished Beartown on audio (nicely read) but I was gripped until the end, when I was like WTH? Did someone else finish the last chapter? Did the author die and and some random just shoved together a few sentences LOL?