One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I’ve always meant to read this, the problem is that my French is good enough that I feel obliged to read it in French, but my French is pretty rusty, so I know it will take me forever to read it!

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It’s 1200 pages. It will take forever to read in any language.

Having said that, it’s one of my all-time favorite classics.


I am not really a royal “watcher” but of course check out any “breaking news” on the family over the years. I wasn’t really sure that I wanted to read “Spare”, but decided I might enjoy the audio book since Harry voices it (he does have a great voice to me).

Here we are a couple months out and looks like I’ll still be waiting awhile!!!


It’s really good—worth the audible credit, if you have, and definitely worth the wait from the library.

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I read the abridge version of the Count of Monte Crisco after my daughter told me that Dumas was paid by the word.

This was quite common in the 19th century as many novels we’re originally published as serials.

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Just finished Olga Dies Dreaming – recommend! I see there was some discussion here last year when it first came out. Olga is certainly a complicated character, but her development over the course of the book is what makes the story. The writing is first rate.


Just Finished “Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow” which several people here recommended. I liked it, but did not love it. Enjoyed the plot and characters but I have never played/been interested video games so I think that was why.


Same here… liked but did not love. It is memorable though since plot varied from other books.


Same. Not a video game person.

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Just finished A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine. It won the Hugo in 2020. Wow. It captures the seductiveness of empire, the experience of being a foreigner who longs to assimilate and who simultaneously loves and is disturbed by the civilization they are immersed in. It’s not an action packed thriller, the mystery at the heart of it, barely matters, but I absolutely loved it.


I just finished listening to The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I am missing those characters already….

Anyone care to suggest something that will leave me feeling the same way?

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The Girl With the Louding Voice is the best book I read last year, I also loved All the Light We Cannot See and Violeta. Looking forward to reading Demon Copperhead and the new book by Jeanette Walls Hang The Moon.


I just finished Amy Tan’s Saving Fish From Drowning and I don’t think I’ve loved a book this much since Gentleman in Moscow. What a stay-up-all-night good read!


If it‘s the time travel aspect, Connie Willis or Jodi Taylor.

Maybe The Immortalists
The Jackson Brodie series by Kate Atkinson
Joanne Harris

There is a sequel, A Desolation called Peace, that I also liked a lot.

And another unique book that struck me the same way, although the premise was completely different, was Susannah Clarke’s Piranesi.

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Sorry, first time poster. My message above was intended for mathmom.

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Welcome to CC!!!


Thank you!

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I will definitely be reading the sequel. I have Piranesi on my Want to Read List and her first (?) book Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. So many books and never enough time!