Hello. I am currently a Sophomore at my high school (suburban Pennsylvania), got a 5 on the AP test for Calc AB and am finishing up AP Calculus BC in the next few months. The only other high-level math course my high school offers is AP Statistics and I would much rather take an online Calculus 3 of Multi-variable course online with an accredited university where I may earn college credit. I am looking to take the course in the Fall of the 2016-2017 school year. If you can offer any ideas on schools with online courses like Calc 3 available please help me out and send them this way. Thanks!
Can you do dual enrollment at your local community college?
I have applied to my local community college and that is an option, but I do not have the time in my schedule to physically go to another campus for a class as I cannot yet drive.
Calc III is offered for college credit via NetMath @ UIUC.
This is an advanced online high school so don’t think you would get credit but could most likely place out of Calc III afterwards when you enroll in college.