Online Classes?

S2 will be going to summer school to take a class that has a strange schedule (lecture + lab + recitation) and it seems impossible to find another class that will “fit”. We were wondering about the possibility of taking another class or two online. Is that possible? Preferably through TAMU so the grades count. He’d likely choose something easy like Intro to Sociology or Psych since his other class is technically and difficult.

My S is looking at taking Art History online this summer…

Check the additional fees involved - I remember something coming out about an increase a while ago. But, I could be wrong…

Here’s the link I’m not sure how it works- but if I read it correctly it seems you pay an additional min fee of $40 per credit hour for an online course ? IDK if I’m interpreting it correctly–so don’t quote me!

Thanks @agmom2x!