<p>This comic strip is about a treasure hunter. I am NOT asking you to join the site, I would just like to see what everyone thinks of this strip. Also, what are some of your favorite comics?</p>
<p>Questionable Content
<p>Dudley's</a> dungeon
[url=<a href="http://userfriendly.org%5DUserFriendly%5B/url">http://userfriendly.org]UserFriendly[/url</a>]
Oh, and [url=<a href="http://www.xkcd.com%5Dxkcd%5B/url">www.xkcd.com]xkcd[/url</a>] of course.</p>
<p>I dislike most online comics, your "treasure trooper" example being no exception. Sorry.</p>
<p>pbf comics.</p>
<p>xkcd is overrated.</p>
<p>xkcd is the greatest</p>