Online core classes

<p>DS just advised me that he will need 6 hours of humanities before fall 2015. He could do this online during intersession and/or summer school. Are there any recommendations for online colleges to transfer back to UA? DS is OOS and will be spending summer in a totally different state, so online seems to be the best fit for him.</p>

<p>A number of universities don’t charge OOS tuition during the summer or if a student is classified as a distance learning student. Community colleges and CLEP exams may also work for those in your son’s situation.</p>

<p>One thing to consider when looking at prices is if a school is on quarter or semester system. A few dollars cheaper per credit might mean much if you need to purchase 10 quarter credits as compared to 6 semester credits.</p>

<p>I attended summer classes at the University of Nevada-Reno, where an online course would cost around $210 per credit. I’ve also recommended various community colleges in New Mexico, such as Clovis Community College, which charge around $110 per credit for online courses. </p>

<p>Last summer my son took classes online through Iowa State (<a href=“”>;/a&gt;) because they don’t charge out of state tuition to their online only students and they have a wide variety of courses. Before registering you will want to look at the transfer equivalency table (from here: <a href=“Transfer Credit – The Office of the University Registrar – The University of Alabama | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt; click the link on the right) to ensure the course will transfer. If it is not already listed, it may still transfer, it’s just that no student has ever taken the course, so there will be a few more hoops to jump through to determine if UA has an equivalent course and get approval. You will also want do to a letter of transiency before enrolling (link in MyBama), for timely transferring of credits/grades back to UA.</p>

<p>Is there an area he’s familiar enough in to take CLEP tests for credit - maybe a foreign language?</p>

<p>Thanks for your suggestions. I’ll be passing on your advise to DS. Unfortunately, foreign language isn’t part of his natural talents. </p>

<p>Sacto, did he take a few years of foreign language in HS? You might be surprised. My D is not a natural language learner. She took 3 years of Spanish in HS (Spanish 2-4; Spanish 1 was covered over the course of middle school). She didn’t like it and it did no favors for her GPA - her usual Spanish grade was a B-. In August before starting at UA, after not having taken Spanish in over a year, she took the CLEP exam and earned 14 credits. Go figure.</p>

<p>DS took 2 years of spanish in HS four years ago. I’ll pass on your suggestion.</p>

<p>^^ It’s worth considering, but 2 years 4 years prior to testing is probably tougher than 3 years 1 year prior to testing. </p>

<p>I’d have him take a look at the test questions online. He only needs 6 credits. He can get a fairly low score and still get 8 credits. It might be worth a little studying and the $100 to try it, but let your son decide. </p>

<p>DS will be going to a spanish speaking country for spring break so studying spanish would be good for him to do anyway.</p>