Online Courses for Students taking GAP year

My son is in a gap year as he plays hockey. He wants to take a college level online course which can be used as a credit when he applies. Any suggestions that are reasonably priced.

I haven’t looked into the scenario you’re describing, but seem to recall that some universities will consider a student who has A) graduated high school and B) taken any university-level courses to be a transfer student, even if they weren’t enrolled in school full-time. I could easily have my facts wrong, but (if I’m right) it would have serious enough ramifications to the application process that I’d be sure to turn over all the rocks before committing to any courses.


I do not think he can take any college classes post high school and maintain freshman status. He would be a transfer student moving forward and most schools would expect him to complete a two year associated degree before transferring.


Can’t do this for US schools - your son will be considered a transfer student, and will not be eligible for freshman status, and the chance at scholarships! Any dual enrolment credit would have to been earned before high school graduation (which I am assuming was June 2023?).

So knocking off credits is not an option (to make a US school more affordable, is that the reasoning?). However, if the gap year is to make your son more appealing to US schools, there are some things he can do.

  1. in his case, pursuing hockey at a high level is a good one - athlete angle

  2. volunteer work - hockey players in the NHL do charity work and it’s nice to see (in your kid’s case, as an up-and-coming player, he could help with hosting some free technique lessons at a local hockey program, or just volunteer at a community or faith-based service)

  3. get work experience - this is important, because internships at college are often easier to secure with previous work experience

  4. physiotherapy

Source: parent of a kid also in high-level sports that is considering a gap year after this one.

Hope his season is going great.

Oh, and:

  1. do course work that is not considered for credit, but is still him learning practical things.

This could be learning a type of computer skill (programming language, illustrator or photo software, etc.), cooking, investing, business, etc.

There’s a lot to learn outside of school and he has this year to do it.

You absolutely need to check with the college. Some colleges will allow one or two courses…but not enough that you would be considered a transfer (like a full year of courses).

So…first things first…ask your son’s college what they will allow during the gap year in terms of college courses. They will tell you for that college and that’s really all that is important to you.

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