Online homeschool recommendations

My twins are academically gifted (top grades, IQ in top percent but not profoundly gifted), and I would like to enroll them in an online middle school (7th grade) program next year. I already looked at Stanford OHS but it is filled. Is there another online school that is similar to Stanford?

I am also looking for homeschool options for my bright 10th grader.

You might look at Laurel Springs. My daughter is a student (HS) and we have been pleased. They have a Gifted and Talented Academy, although I don’t have personal experience with that program.

Davidson Academy now has an online school.

Looking to explore homeschool options for my high achieving 11th grader. Distance learning in our district was worthless

What do people think of k12?

Look in your own state first, it may already have free online homeschooling.

My husband can teach math and science, but kids needed help in humanities in middle school. In past, we have used CTY for humanities. Then older kids went to prep school. Our 7th grade daughter has joined a program for reasonable coast. The program is aimed from 4th through 12th grade. A team of Harvard-educated writers are offering courses in English writing and grammar. We are very happy as teachers are excellent. But still evaluate other program as we want daughter to go matriculate at prep school.

Summer math and science camps are great to advance, but more benefits is to do starting late elementary school or early middle school. This allow them to qualify and compete for top notch prestigious summer programs while in high school.

I was going to say Stanford OHS. You could do a patchwork just for this year then have her apply to Groton for 8th grade. Would satisfy prep school and maybe help with Covid schooling.
Someone suggested Davidson. I think it is for PG ( rather than gifted). There are tons of things online to keep gifted kids engaged. But i think it’s late for this tear as programs are already full. There are home school groups that can help

My daughter’s scholarship foundation had faith in Stanford, Laurel Springs, and Oak Meadow- or just dual enrollment courses. One of my daughter’s best friends from her scholarship started taking them in 5th grade.

@Happytimes2001 Thank you so much for the information. Our older son did apply to Groton. He was admitted with a great need based aid. We loved the school settings. A very good school, but he wanted to go to a bigger school and chose another rival prep school. Second son got admitted to only few boarding school. However, he was admitted to lot more elite colleges. Since we need a lot of need based aid, we have no idea if daughter will be admitted or not. Therefore, she will apply lot of places and see where she will be admitted. Could you please provide the links to home school program that can help. Thank you so much!

@millygyfam thanks so much. My daughter and I are going to look into those recommendations. thanks

@casinoofny Don’t know any homeschool options, we did not go this route. There are some really good homeschool/online options. I have only looked them up based on my kids’ interests.

@Happytimes2001 her interest is now shifted to humanities. She is very advance in math. This summer she is reading lot of novels and us and world history. Her brothers are helping her. Writing program she is participating is extremely good. Let us see what future brings.