Online Intro Business Courses

I’m taking ACIS 2115 and BIT 2405 this semester, both of which are hybrid online classes. Since we basically have to teach ourselves the information I’m having a difficult time grasping concepts while doing the reading, and answering the homework. This concerns me because I want to have a solid foundation for 3000 level courses. My test grades have been a bit disappointing although I attend lectures and even tutoring session, but they don’t seem to be helping. I’m wondering if its because maybe accounting just isn’t for me or because I don’t have someone knowledgeable actually teaching me the material??

I failed the second test we took in BIT, but have a B+ in the class.
I’m not sure what my grade is in ACIS since its based on a point system, but I got a C- on the first test and the second is in the next couple of weeks which I don’t think I’m prepared for.

I’d also like to know if there’s somewhere I can find graduate information such as average gpa, employment placement, etc.

Graduate placement is good and you don’t need to worry about that right now. If you are attending lectures and tutoring sessions then you have someone knowledgeable teaching you the material. Obviously, getting an F on your second test in BIT and a C- on the first ACIS test means you are struggling. Do you have an academic advisor you can speak with?