I was thinking of Masters degrees in Statistics. I want to get one part time while working over the next few years and I would like to do it online. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good schools with such a program (google tends to turn up spam sites and unknown online only schools.)
I want something like this:
[Statistics</a> MS Degree | Stanford University Online](<a href=“http://scpd.stanford.edu/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=1163094#searchResults]Statistics”>http://scpd.stanford.edu/public/category/courseCategoryCertificateProfile.do?method=load&certificateId=1163094#searchResults)
but cheaper
Ideal features:
- Existing brick & mortar school that has been around for a while
- Serious program – not diploma mills
- < $20,000 in cost
- Serious statistics program (as in learning the math, the theory, the everything) not just learning how to use some statistics packages.
- Would not mind if there was a data mining bent to it or a machine learning bent.