Only a junior, but some advice?

<p>As the title suggests, it's a little early for me. I'm only just starting my junior year, but I figure now's a good time to hear some thoughts and advice from people with my ECs/grades/etc. Of course, I've yet to take my SATs, ACTs and APs, so that's obviously an important factor as well. I did take the old SATs (Johns Hopkins, I believe they call it?) in 8th grade and scored a 13 something. My PSAT scores were good. I got a 77 in critical reading, 65 in math, and 68 in writing skills. Those put me in the 97th percentile for juniors, just off National Merit Scholar.</p>

<p>First off, I'm a white male from a very large public school in PA.</p>

<p>I'm currently taking AP US History and AP Chem and AP Biology. These are the only two AP courses offered at my school for juniors. All of my classes taken so far have been the highest level honors or AP courses offered. I'm planning on taking AP Calc, Physics, Euro History, and English next year, which is everything that's offered.</p>

<p>Avg over the first three years is somewhere around 97.4 UW (meaning 4.0, I'd believe? I'm not familiar with the scale). Honors are weighted to .6 and AP .8 at my school. They refuse to give me my class rank, but my guidance counselor told me I'm in the top 5 of a class of 500ish. I've also been on the honor roll for every quarter of my high school career (9 thus far) and should continue that trend for the rest of it.</p>

<p>ECs are where I fear I'm weak. I've been in Spanish club my first three years, planning on being an officer next year (only seniors can be officers). Hoping to be elected to a class officer position next year as well (again, only seniors). Also, three years on the bowling team and two years of golf (which will both be rejoined next year). I was in art club freshman and sophomore years, but I can't work that into my schedule anymore. I have a part time job at a local hospital with at least 20 hrs of work over 4 days a week. I've also volunteered for two and a half weeks per summer the past 4 summers at an international/well-known aerobics and hip hop competition in Los Angeles (hoping that may set me apart). I'm also VERY involved at my church, with youth group, volunteering at bible school, altar server for the past 7 years, etc. If it helps, I'm an extensive traveller and have been all over the world (over 10 countries, adding more). This time in LA, coupled with my church volunteering, gives me WELL over 500 volunteer hours. So I'm sure that's more than enough for any college's requirements. I can also get recommendations, etc. from both places if need be.</p>

<p>I'm a VERY good writer, if I say so myself. I consistently get 6s on the in class essays we have in English class (my teacher grades them based on the SATs) and tells me she's very impressed with my writing. I know I could write excellent entrance essays. Not worried about that or the SAT essay.</p>

<p>I'm looking into pre-med programs with special focus on biology as a major. My top schools are UCLA, UVa, Duke, Rice, Penn, and UC Berkeley. I'm also looking at Pitt, Penn State and Fordham as mid-range schools. I also figure my job at a hospital might give me some leverage in a pre-med program. Or maybe not?</p>

<p>I feel like I'm reaching for schools like Stanford and Duke, but I've known friends to get into Duke and U of Chicago with lower grades and comparable ECs to mine. I'm just wondering what you guys think. Am I setting my sights just right or aiming too high? Should I add more ECs? I'd love to know what to add in order to satisfy the needs for pre-med majors. I was wondering if there were any well-known scientific/medical summer programs that could help my chances, whether it be internships or whatever.</p>

<p>I just don't want to set my heart on a top level school and get disappointed.</p>

<p>Thank you very much!!</p>

<p>Bumping this.</p>

<p>Just hoping to get some feedback!</p>

<p>When have you planned to take the SAT and SAT Subject tests?</p>

<p>My school doesn't offer those the SAT I to us until May. But I'll probably end up taking them three times (depending on my score) May, June, and October.</p>

<p>I'll be taking a few SAT IIs over the summer as well!</p>