OOS admitted students only - Zero financial aid at the UCs - starting 2016

Just curious, @khanam, in what state do you reside? It sounds like you and your daughter’s mom are not married. Is this correct? Are you responsible for paying for any of her college expenses (by divorce decree, or considering any private schools), and did your daughter live with her mom more than 50% of the time this past year? Will she next year, or how will that work out for FAFSA/tax purposes? If you want a state to subsidize your child’s education, there are probably other states that will happily offer her merit money/tuition discounting. IIRC you mentioned Wisconsin. That’s a fine school. Why must she go to a UC?? Oh… she’ll have brilliant peers and it will be paid for by someone other than you.

@cardinal2020mom Only 6.4% of the UC undergrad system is OOS but it is 14.1% international so CA residents upset about not having their kids in the UCs have a greater cause for complaint with the internationals.

Yes. The problem is that the underfunding of the UCs has reached pretty much biblical proportions and the great state of CA has imposed more and more demands on the UC system without adequate support so the UCs have looked elsewhere besides CA residents to be self sufficient and this is creating angst within CA.

That is the point I am making as well, many OOS students that the UC system now relies upon will no longer enroll at the UCs at all if there is no FA. I know UNC offers OOS scholarships too as does UF. I am a FL resident as well but my daughter will be a CA resident.

From a previous post by the OP: “I live in Florida, she in Oregon - no decent academic programs in either state.”

Did she apply to any of the Florida schools? Has she been a Florida resident? If not, what state is her current residency? Did you save for college through the Fla prepaid plan? Did she qualify for the Bright Futures Scholarship?

@jym626 yes, i live in FL and her mom has just been transferred to CA. Yes she lives 100% with her mom, will continue to do so and I am responsible for all college expenses not covered by scholarships. She applied to the UCs because she is actually becoming a UC resident - it was expected that they will move to CA so luckily her instates were going to be great colleges. And obviously, I encouraged her to apply to the UCs. Due to my FL residency, she was also considered instate for FL so she has that option as well.

"Only 6.4% of the UC undergrad system is OOS but it is 14.1% international so CA residents upset about not having their kids in the UCs have a greater cause for complaint with the internationals.

Nice try but International students DONT receive FA from the UC’s.

Thanks, @CTTC . No decent programs in either state? That is simply not true.

@jym626 she applied to and was accepted into UF - at that point I did not know much about UF but now it is a good option. OR was a nonstarter - visited OSU and UO and thought that was not worth exploring

“She applied to the UCs because she is actually becoming a UC resident "
you / her mom should have checked the rules more carefully because it is quite an onerous, difficult process to establish the in state residency requirements of the UC’s. Especially if she has already begun her education at one.
Its not just a matter of unloading a moving truck in Calif and saying 'I’m here!”


Wow-- U Oregon offers many fabulous scholarships, including a Stamps Scholarship. Those are hugely fabulous full ride scholarships that are very competitive and highly desirable. https://financialaid.uoregon.edu/scholarships_freshmen

U Florida offers a Stamps scholarship too!

Maybe the issue really is that the family didn’t look closely enough at the fabulous scholarship opportunities and institutional monies available at many excellent schools.

But heck, even Cal and UCLA offer Stamps scholarships. If one applies…

@jym626 I think it speaks more to what OP believes that he deserves or is entitled to rather than what is truly available to him.

@menloparkmom I was responding to @cardinal2020mom asking about non-instate enrollment not about FA. So there was no “nice try” attempt - it was my answer to a different question.

And yes, I have checked with the UC system - if she goes to a quarter based UC she will be OOS for 2 quarters, if she goes to a semester based UC, she will be OOS for 2 semesters (she misses the cutoff for the 2nd semester but makes it for the 3rd quarter because of the timing of the move). Obviously people do not miss important points like this.


@jym626 UO is not a good university - very weak academics in her chosen field - she also visited the Honors college as well but it seemed too humanities focused and she is Biology/STEM focused student. Plus they were moving to CA anyway so she would have been OOS in OR by the time she enrolled so there was no point even applying to an instate in OR. Her only options were FL because I retired here and CA because her mom was being posted to CA.

UF stamps scholarships deadline was missed because we thought that was only for FL schools. And she is graduating from an OR HS.

Then it sounds like the issue may have been the lack of understanding of the many, many fabulous scholarships available at public and private schools. Many privates have huge endowments and can be very generous with merit $ for a desired student. And yes, we are talking about many very fine schools. Unless the real issues are not having to pay OOS tuition and wanting bragging rights to a CAL car decal or something. That’s a different issue altogether.

Well you are just going to have to adjust to the reality of how much an education at a UC costs .
Your DD did not have to be so picky.
She could have compromised.
Life throws everyone curve balls.

@carolinamom2boys exactly how did you come to that condemnation? I fight many philosophical battles but do not attack anyone personally. I am having a back and forth with @jym626 too but it is civil.

besides you and @menloparkmom I am not sensing any personal comments. please keep this philosophical and civil. I am debating a topic, not saying anything inappropriate.

You started this thread because you will have to pay more $$ for your OOS DD to attend a UC.
The fact is that you have not and do not pay Calif taxes and to Calif residents who HAVE paid taxes here for decades, the idea that you would be irked that the cookie jar has been yanked away sounds more like a complaint, than a discussion.

The UC Freshman Admission counts by Campus and Residency(2013/2014/2015)


University wide
California residents: 61,834 (67%)
Out-of-State: 15,173 (16.4%)
International: 15,317 (16.6%)
Total: 92,324

Over the last three years, the total enrollment has increased, from 87,056 in 2013 to 92,324 in 2015. However, the total enrollment of California residents has decreased, from 63,090 to 61,834.

Same trend at UC-SD, with the 2015 Freshman class only being 61% California residents.

I’m sorry @khanam I didn’t interpret your statement about being able to attend any public school anywhere as long as you are a citizen as a philosophical debate, I thought you really believed that. My mistake .

@menloparkmom She has been admitted (including early writes) to 5 places so far (3 Universities and 2 top ranked LACs - both are early writes so we do not have the full package detail). However, 1 of the 2 LACs has informed her that she will get a merit scholarship, no clue which one exactly but it will be substantial, the other LAC we have no clue about - they said the rest will be in the final package. She applied to 3 UCs as well but did not get invited for the regents and chancellors.

Will she have 8-10 admissions to choose from by the time she is done? Most probably. The UCs are a match for her, not a reach - she has not needed to compromise to colleges below that level.

The UC system will cost me more only for either 2 quarters or 2 semesters, depending on if she does go to one and which UC she goes to. So its grit in my mouth for that time, nothing more. Would I like to save the money? Yes! But it is what it is for the 2 terms.

My reason for bringing up this topic is when i thought well if she was OOS for all 4 years and decided to go to a UC and she was relying only on her mom’s income, it would be too expensive for her. And thats how this started. That’s why I posted the OP to see what OOS kids and parents thought. And with my “college education should be free to all anyways” philosophy, this change came across as a bit jarring to me. if OOS FA was not needed, why did the UCs choose to offer it? Obviously it helped them some way or another?

@Gator88NE Those are admissions not enrollments, UC’s OOS yield is very low. Look at this table instead
