<p>I need one of those nice full rides to OSU also, so if you could chance me for those, that would be amazing. I don’t really qualify more merit aid, but my parents aren’t willing to pay for out of state schools. </p>
<p>I’m actually graduating once I finish my junior year.</p>
<p>Asian female
Titusville, Florida
GPA: 4.0 UW, current weighted 4.51 (class rank: at least in top 5%, possibly 3/250)
AP’s: US History, US Government, Calculus AB (still waiting for scores)
will be taking: Literature, Language, European History, Macroeconomics, Comparative Government
That will be most of the AP at my school except for AP Chemistry, Music Theory, and German.
Dual enrollment: college algebra, communications 1, biology, psychology, ASL, German, sociology, medical terminology, calculus 2, statistics, humanities 1+2 (total of 40 some credit hours)</p>
SAT 2: Math level 2 and US History (still waiting for scores)
ACT: 33 (will be taking again)</p>
Math Honor Society (9-11); president 11
National Honor Society (10-11)
Academic Team (9-11); captain 11
Orchestra (9-11); I’ve sort of been section leader for 9-10, but I will be in 11. [I also do a lot of quartet stuff outside of school.]
International Club (9-10)
Student Government Association (9-10)
Volunteer as a viola mentor (1 hr weekly)
Volunteer at community clinic (4 hrs weekly)</p>
<p>Major: Pharmacy</p>
<p>They’re obviously great stats.
So congrats. As far as a full ride, here are the various merit aid programs I know about:</p>
<p>All of the PSAT/national merit scholar business takes place your junior year, so that one’s probably out.</p>
<p>The Presidential scholarship with the maximus competition awards full in-state cost of education only, which is still a lot (room+board+some extra money I believe.) I imagine you’d qualify for the essay-writing competition.</p>
<p>Are you the member of an “underrepresented group?” ([The</a> Ohio State University](<a href=“http://undergrad.osu.edu/merit.html]The”>http://undergrad.osu.edu/merit.html), scroll down to see the requirements) With the Morrill Scholars Programs, there are three scholarships: one for full-price (everything: room/board, out-of-state tuition), one for in-state costs, one for the difference between out-of-state and in-state. </p>
<p>Are your parents willing to pay for an out-of-state school if you get a scholarship to give you in-state prices? That seems like your best bet to me.</p>
<p>Thank you. 
I don’t think I’m an underrepresented minority considering that my dad went to college and I’m in the upper middle class.
Reading the NMSQT site, I can still take the PSAT, but if I got any award I wouldn’t be able to get it until my freshman year of college, whenever they announce everything. </p>
<p>I don’t think my parents would be willing to pay in-state prices because a lot of the schools in Florida cost half as much to attend.</p>