OOS - UCLA/UC Berkeley

Please be honest on chances. Also plan to apply to USC. Thank you.

Female - Will not qualify for need - major undecided

4.0 UW - all honors/DC - Full IB Diploma - focus - math/science/art
36 ACT (not superscored)
1490 PSAT (should be NMF)
Track, Swim, Cross Country - 4 years
Academic Team - 3 years
4 year active involvement in mentoring a student at under-served MS
NHS, National English Honor Society, National Science Honor Society
40+ hrs of service/year
-past two years have worked part time (retail and fast food) during school year + more in summer
-will have an art portfolio to submit

Based on your stats, you look like a competitive applicant however, intended major can make a difference on your chances. Both schools should be considered Reach school regardless of your qualifications but within Reach.

The UC’s only use 10-11th grades for the a-g course requirements in their GPA calculation and you only get extra Honors points for AP/IB and UC transferable DE courses taken during this time.


If your family can afford $65K/year for you to attend, then worth applying.

Best of luck.

@nanosec . . . what are you applying to, Art & some STEM program as a double-major? I’m guessing because you’re IB (unless you’ve mixed APs with it) that your fully weighted wouldn’t be really ascended like a 4.8. But I don’t think that’d matter in any case, but you’d probably be better with that SAT Math Level 2 score if you’re going STEM. But don’t worry if you only took level 1.

And unless you applied to Engineering/Computer Science, it’s evident your stats are highly competitive, but I don’t think a double major in attaching Art would work, because E is so all-encompassing, unless you came in with a lot of AP credits. UC is pretty liberal with respect to these credits and might enable you to do an Art double with Engineering (w/o repeating courses you took in hs).

A lot of surmising on my part, so please excuse my idle conjecture. All the best.