<p>Does the Brown open curriculum apply to Engineers? I’ve heard it both ways. Helpppp!</p>
<p>Yes, it applies, but you’ll still have to take the vast majority of your classes for credit toward your engineering degree.</p>
<p>ABET also requires that all engineers have 4 classes that are not engineering/math/science. That’s not a requirement of Brown, it’s a requirement to be a certified engineer. I doubt it’ll be challenging to use about half the the non-engineering courses outside of math and science-- you’d have to practically be a masochist otherwise.</p>
<p>If you get an ScB, then there are so many required courses that there isn’t that much room in your schedule to take other classes. However, because of the open curriculum there are no distribution requirements, so you don’t have to “waste” those other classes on something you don’t want to take. In other words, if you never want to take another foreign language again, you don’t have to.</p>
<p>You can get an AB degree in engineering, in which case you can take a lot more classes that are not science/math/engineering.</p>