Opinion Question

<p>So I finally heard from my area rep. Since I already graduated from high school, I am not a traditional student and so do not automatically qualify for the Presidential Scholarship even if I have the SAT score. Apparently I need to submit a letter to the scholarship committee explaining why I postponed college, and what I have been doing since graduating. The committee will evaluate it on an individual basis. </p>

<p>What do you think my chances are of getting the Presidential? Now I am concerned that I may not get the scholarship anyway even if I have the SAT score.</p>

<p>^That’s what I feared might happen when i saw your initial post. I guess it all depends on if the committee sees your post-high school work as something significant and your reasons for postponing college as well. All I can say is give it a try, write a compelling letter, and convince them that you will not only benefit from UA, they will benefit for having you. Good Luck and keep us posted!</p>

<p>^^^ I agree with AL34. Write a sincere letter explaining your situation, and by also taking the test and getting the scores to show them how serious you are in making the effort to attend UA. If your reasons are compelling enough, perhaps they will make the exception. I wish you all the best!</p>

<p>Write the letter explaining your situation. I think I would still apply because even if they decide you are not eligible for the automatic scholarships you might be eligible for one of the scholarships awarded through the Honors College (CBHP or UFE). I hope they would answer relatively quickly given your circumstances.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone. The area rep has been really helpful to me in figuring out to approach this. I hope my letter will be convincing, I have some really good reasons why I delayed college, as well as some really interesting things I’ve done the past few years (including international travel).</p>

<p>A big reason I delayed college was financial…we have a big family and my folks can’t afford to pay for all of our schooling. Our family as a whole (several generations) was the victim of the one of the majorly publicized Ponzi schemes back in 2009…so money is a big issue. I hope that is a good enough reason!</p>

<p>I think if you do well on your SAT, then that’s what will really count.</p>

<p>I know another student who had a similar experience and Bama did give her the Presidential. Bama does want the high scores.</p>

<p>Go for it. UA is worth working towards. Roll tide and good luck!</p>