Opinions on California Lutheran University?


A private university by the name of California Lutheran University is interested in me and I don’t know much about the school. Is it a good school? I’m a political science/business major.

I mean, it’s an alright school. But just because a college is “interested” in you doesn’t mean you should apply. Colleges send emails, letters, all sorts of things to thousands of students each year trying to draw applications. Search for schools and apply to those you’re interested in, not just the ones that are “interested” in you.

My daughter is a senior at Cal Lu. We have had a GREAT experience with the school. My daughter is a Liberal Studies major, with 2 concentrations (Math and Music). She has a dear friend who is biology major wanting to pursue a career as a physician. The school is small enough for the professors to know you and large enough for you to experience a real college feel. I would absolutely check into the school and inquire about your major