Options to transfer to UCLA

@co23 i’ve been trying to get myself to love sb but i just can’t see myself there.

Then don’t. If you have thought about it, visited, and it’s just not the school for you that’s probably not going to change. Let someone who wants it get off the waitlist for SB. I agree that students should enter college with an open mind if they didn’t get into a top choice but not everyone can do that. What you’re writing seems to be more than just the natural disappointment of not getting into a preferred school.

If you go to a CC then look into the TAP program at UCLA which gives a preference (not a guarantee) in enrollment into L&S majors. See https://tap.ucla.edu/ and explore the tabs at the top. You might want to contact the CCs in your area to see if you can get TAP certified with just one year at a CC.

According to https://tap.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/UG-Admission-TAP-Council-Mtg_Fall-2020.pdf in the last year before Covid the admit rate was 78% for TAP.

There is potentially more good news if you transfer after one year. I’m assuming you have a boatload of AP units, not dual enrollment. If the credit is from AP then it looks like you’d still be able to spend 3 years at UCLA instead of only 2 like most transfers. UC says

Units granted for AP tests are not counted toward the maximum number of credits required for formal declaration of a major or the maximum number of units a student may accumulate prior to graduation. Students who enter UC with AP credit do not have to declare a major earlier than other students, nor are they required to graduate earlier.
AP credits | UC Admissions

Of course you’d want to verify this applies to transfers with UCLA admissions