So son logs on to order books tonight, or at least see what he needs. There are 17 books listed.
There is a red dot with an exclamation point that says: a package component" is a title that is part of a required course materials package for your course. Be careful not to buy the complete package and components separately.
There is a selection for the iclicer2 remote for 6 months that says required and also a iclicker2 package component .
Which do we chose?
This is for chemistry 107.
For History 105, there are 4 required books for reading: Abigail Adams, Life of a slave girl, red, white+black: peoples of early N. America. Then, there are two books, Created Equal: Vol 1 to 1877. both recommended. But what is called loose. What is “loose” and which do we need?
ENGR 111 nothing is available yet
Math 151:
Calculus early vectors by Stewart. I have seen someone link to it to rent. Will go that direction since it is only available new on tamu website. If we rent from amazon, is it a physical book we get? This is recommended
But then there is the early vectors w/access code that is required and it too is $171. Does the rental come with the access code? We are confused.
Then there is a component. calculus-enhan. webassign. multi term.
We are not sure what to do.