Organized activities for non-drinkers

<p>I know some big universities, like Penn State, provide organized, alternative forms of entertainment for students who aren't into the party scene. Does Wisconsin have anything like this?</p>

<p>of course... There are a thousand groups you can join... There are also rec sports events like ultimate frisbee and kickball... the unions have stuff too like midnight at the movies... international film stuff... yeah... we arent drunk all the time.</p>

<p>Thanks, but that's not exactly what I meant; I didn't explain myself well. At Penn State they have something called Late Night at Penn State which takes place on Thurs. nights from 9-12, and Fri. and Sat. from 9-2am, where students who don't want to drink can gather to take part in any of many activities organized for them (in one specific gym, or whatever the site might be--not sure about that) such as ping pong, sumo wrestling, badminton, whiffle ball, etc. So it's social, like a party, but activity-centered.</p>

<p>UW has a thousand activities like ceecee said. The dorms will have various things, as will the Unions, plus movies and club activities. It isn't like high school where there is only one place to go. You can check websites for the sorts of things you are interested in, when you are on campus you will find a lot more info posted. I find the UW website easy to navigate, try nosing around it.</p>

<p>They do. There are various names such as "Alternative Breaks" but the actual name of the organization (I know what you mean with the PSU comparison) escapes me at the moment.</p>