Ostrow School of Dentistry to Receive $10 Million Gift

<p>At an event celebrating the 115th anniversary of the USC Ostrow School of Dentistry the Board of Concilors has pledged a $10 million gift to the school.</p>

<p>In recent years the School of Dentistry was renamed the Ostrow School of Dentistry after a generous donation of 35 million dollars by Dr. Herman Ostrow.</p>

<p>At the event an initative to raise $115 million dollars as part of the Campaign for the University of Southern California was announced.</p>

<p>Recent gifts as part of the Campaign for the University of Southern California were:</p>

<p>Board of Concilors of USC Ostrow School of Dentistry Pledge
$10 Million</p>

<p>Pullias Family Estate Gift
No amount stated</p>

<p>Keck Dept. of Urology Gift
$13.3 million</p>

<p>Harman Family for USC Libraries
$10 million</p>